HEXAGON Book Series
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1 Bonn Workshop 9-13 October 2005 at 6th Open Meeting of IHDP


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Book Series > AFES-PRESS Reports > apr002


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Hans Günter Brauch

30 Thesen und 10 Bewertungen zur Strategischen Verteidigungsinitiative (SDI)
und zur Europäischen Verteidigungsinitiative (EVI)

[30 Hypotheses and 10 Assessments on the Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI) and
on a European Defence Initiative (EVI)]

AFES-PRESS Report No. 2 (out of print)
1986, 1989
€ 5.00 - SF 11.00

A copy of this report may be obtained by interlibrary loan either from the Württembergische Landesbibliothek in Stuttgart or from the Badische Landesbibliothek in Karlsruhe in Germany. A copy may also be found in the Deutsche Bibliothek in Frankfurt on Main and most likely in the Library of Congress in Washington D.C. that received most AFES-PRESS Reports. The 30 hypotheses were prepared for a joint hearing of the Defence and Foreign Affairs Committee of the Federal German Parliament (Bundestag) on 9-10 December 1985 and have been reproduced in the text of that hearing: Deutscher Bundestag, 10. Wahlperiode, 712-2450 and 715-2450 (Bonn: Heger, 1986). See also for background: Hans Günter Brauch (Ed.): Star Wars and European Defence. Implications for Europe: Perceptions and Assessments (London: Macmillan - New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987): 166-233.

apr002; Language: German; Areas: SDI, European missile defence; Region: United States, Germany, Soviet Union,