The book
is organised in five parts. In the first part Daniel Colin,
Jean-Pierre Mazery, Wilfried Dimeglio and Francis Gutmann
deal with general Euro-Mediterranean issues. In the second
part Abdelkader Sid Ahmed, M. Mokhtar Maherzi, Abdelhamine
Escheikh, and Henri Regnault discuss issues of economic development
and of future co-development. In the third part, Père
Dominique Peccoud, Maurice Flory, Andre Martel, Khlaifa Chater
review cultural and educational cooperation within the region.
In the fourth part Paul-Marc Henry, Joël Mancel, Bernard
Glass, Alain Merckel-Bagh and Patrick Philip examine problems
of the environment and water as strategic issues. In part
5, Pierre Lacoste, Jean-Francois Daguzan, Michel Bonnet d'Oleon,
Guiseppe Cucchi and M. Gamir assess security and strategic
aspects in the Mediterranean region.
001; Language: French; Area: economic developmenr,
environment, culture, security; Region: Southern Europe,