HEXAGON Book Series
Human and Environmental
Security and Peace (HESP

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Book Series > AFES-PRESS Reports > apr024


Hans Günter Brauch – Gerd Neuwirth (Eds.)

Confidence and Security BuildingMeasures in Europe
From the Stockholm to the Vienna Document

[Vertrauens- und Sicherheitsbildende
Maßnahmen in Europa -
Vom Stockholmer bis zum Wiener Dokument]

AFES-PRESS Report No. 24 (out of print)
1992, 100 pp., ISBN 3-926979-42-9
€ 15.00 - $ 21.00 - SF 30.00

This volume contains 15 crucial documents on Confidence and Security Building Measures that were tabled between the adoption of the Vienna Concluding Document (15 January 1989) and the Vienna Document of 1990 by NATO (9 June 1989), by the delegations of Bulgaria, Hungary, the GDR and Czechoslovakia (9 March 1989), by Romania (22 March 1989), by the NATO countries (5 May 1989), by the N&N countries (12 July 1989), by France and Hungary (15 December 1989), by NATO countries (23 February and 18 May 1990), by Hungary and the CSFR (25 May 1990), by Poland and the CSFR (1 June 1990), by the GDR and Hungary (8 June 1990), by France (8 June 1990) and by the USSR (15 June 1990). The report concludes with a CSBM Chronology for the years 1975-1990.

apr024; Language: English; Areas: confidence building measures, CSBM; Region: Europe.