HEXAGON Book Series
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1 Bonn Workshop 9-13 October 2005 at 6th Open Meeting of IHDP


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Book Series > AFES-PRESS Reports > apr025


Uwe J. Reinhardt

Internationale und europäische Umweltpolitikund
die Rolle von UN und EG im Mittelmeer

[Environmental Policy of the Seas
International and European Environmental Policy and
the Role of the UN and EC in the Mediterranean]

AFES-PRESS Report No. 25
1989, 188pp., ISBN 3-926979-17-8
€ 20.00 - SF 40.00 - $ 28.00

This report was submitted as a master's thesis at the Institute of Political Science at Stuttgart University in 1987. After a brief introduction, chapter 2 reviews the literature on international politics towards the oceans, on the law of the seas and on the common heritage of mankind, on international politics and environmental policy and on theories on international environment policies. Chapter 3 deals with the oceans in general and the Mediterranean in particular focusing on maritime pollution and maritime environment policy. Chapter 4 focuses on the environment policy of the UN and UNEP as the framework for the evolution of a maritime environment policy pertaining to the Mediterranean and chapter 5 analyses the respective policies of the European Community towards the Mediterranean while chapter 6 reviews the Barcelona conference (1976) and the activities in the framework of the Blue Plan for the Mediterranean. The reports includes extensive footnotes and a 24 page bibliography.

apr025; Language: German; Areas: maritime environment; Region: Mediterranean.