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Book Series > AFES-PRESS Reports > apr037


Malcolm Chalmers

Reciprocal Unilateralism as
a Complement to CFE
Two Studies

[Reziproker Unilateralismus als
Ergänzung zur KFE
Zwei Studien]

AFES-PRESS Report No. 37 (out of print)
1990, 72pp., ISBN 3-926979-30-5
€ 10.00 - $ 14.00 - SF 20.00

Dr. Chalmers is an economist and teaches at Bradford University's School of Peace Studies. After a brief introduction into the concept of reciprocal unilateralism, the author develops in chapter two stages of political efforts for mutual restraint in arms procurement and discusses the role of verification, of a minimum necessary procurement and of limitations of naval procurement and of exports. In chapter three he presents a simulation of reciprocal unilateralism and in chapter four he offers brief conclusions. The Annex includes "The Warsaw Pact disarmament 'shopping list'", and "The NATO disarmament 'shopping list'".

apr037; Language: English; Areas: European security, arms control, conventional disarmament; Region: Europe.