HEXAGON Book Series
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1 Bonn Workshop 9-13 October 2005 at 6th Open Meeting of IHDP


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Book Series > AFES-PRESS Reports > 049


Christoph M. Kunkel
Amerikanische Außenpolitik in den 90er Jahren
Hegemonialer Abstieg oder neue Weltführungsrolle?

[American Foreign Policy in the 1990s.
Hegemonial Decline or a New World Power Role]

AFES-PRESS Report No. 49
1994, 150pp., ISBN 3-926979-52-6
€ 22.00 - $ 30.00- SF 45.00

This report is based on a master thesis that was submitted in February 1993 at the Institute of Political Science of Heidelberg University. In the first part it reviews theoretical approaches to power in political science and in the second it applies theoretical concepts of power in the framework of detailed analysis of the United States in the international system based on the publications by Paul Kennedy, Joseph S. Nye. In the third part it deals with the new orientation of American foreign policy after the end of the cold war. It includes a 12 page list of used literature and a brief biography of the author.

apr049; Language: Deutsch; Areas: foreign policy, economic decline; Region: United States.