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Book Series > AFES-PRESS Reports > apr051


Antonio Marquina, Hans Günter Brauch (Eds.)

Confidence Building and Partnershipin the
Western Mediterranean
Tasks for Preventive Diplomacy
and Conflict Avoidance

[Vertrauensbildung und Partnerschaft im
Westlichen Mittelmeerraum
Aufgaben für präventive Diplomatie
und Konfliktvermeidung

AFES-PRESS Report No. 51
1994, 331 pp., ISBN 3-926979-54-2
€ 35.00 - $ 42.00 - SF 68.00

This report was the result of a joint brain storming between board members of AFES-PRESS and members of UNISCI (Research Unit on Security and International Cooperation) at Complutense University in Madrid in November 1993 on the conceptual issues that were of relevance in the preparation of the conference in November 1995 that adopted the Barcelona Declaration on Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. The report was produced by UNISCI and co-published as UNISCI Paper 1 in Spain and is distributed by Marcial Pons in Madrid and Barcelona to the Spanish audience.

The 11 chapters of this report are organised in four parts. After a brief introduction by the co-editors Part I on Security Concepts and European Security Architectures has two chapters by Björn Möller (Copenhagen) on: "Security Concepts: New Challenges and Risks" and by Antonio Marquina (Madrid) on: "A New Approach to Security in the Mediterranean".

Part II on Security Risks and Concepts for the Western Mediterranean includes three chapters by Carlos Echeverria (Madrid) on: "Relations between the EC and AMU countries", by Dionisio Garcia (Madrid) on: "Risks in the Western Mediterranean", and by Vicente Garrido (Madrid) on: "Non-Proliferation Issues (BC Weapons and Missiles): the Cases of Algeria and Libya. How to Implement the CBMs in the Western Mediterranean".

Part III on New Security Risks and New Approaches to Confidence-Building contains two chapters by Czeslaw Mesjasz (Cracow) on: "Influence of Developments in the CIS countries on security issues in Central Eastern Europe" and by John Grin (Amsterdam) on: "Confidence Building beyond Cultural, Ideological and Disciplinary Differences: Technology Assessment as a Hermeneutic Dialogue".

Part IV on Building Confidence in the Western Mediterranean covers four chapters by Hans Günter Brauch (Germany) on: "Confidence (and Security) Building Measures: Lessons form the CSCE Experience for the Western Mediterranean", by Félix Arteaga (Madrid) on: "Military Confidence Building Measures for the Western Mediterranean", by José A. Sainz de la Peña (Madrid) on: "Confidence Building Measures within the framework of the Cultural Dialogue", and finally a long paper by Hans Günter Brauch (Germany) on: "Partnership Building Measures for Conflict Prevention in the Western Mediterranean" in which the new concept of PBMs was first developed that has been used in the context of the Barcelona Process since 1997 with a somewhat different meaning. The reports ends with brief conclusions by Antonio Marquina, Carlos Echeverria and Hans Günter Brauch.

Five years later, in September 1998, the co-editors organised a conceptual follow-up during the third Pan-European Conference in Vienna. The results have been published in June 2000 by Macmillan.

apr051; Language: English; Areas: confidence building, partnership, energy, climate, security concepts, European Union; Region: Europe, Mediterranean.