Tachibana (Ed.)
Security and Nonproliferation
IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study Group
Paper 7
Sicherheit und Nichtweitergabe
von Atomwaffen]
Report No. 57
1995, 137pp., ISBN 3-926979-61-5
€ 23.00 - $ 33.00 - SF 45.00
This is
the seventh of a series of reports of the Defense and Disarmament
Study Group of the International Peace Research Association
(IPRA) that contains five papers that were presented at the
15th IPRA Conference in Malta (1994) by Dietrich Fischer (US)
on: "Comprehensive Security: A Systems Approach",
by Czeslaw Mesjasz (Poland) on: "Security Functions of
Western Assistance for Central Eastern Europe (1990-1994)",
by Steve Wright: "The Supply of Light Weapons, Repression
and Refugees: The Trade in Political Conflicts", by Abdelwahab
Biad (Algeria/France) on: "Le Régime international
de non-prolifération nucléaire: Etat des lieux
vingt cinq ans après l'adoption du TNP", by Surenda
K. Gupta (India/USA) on: "Security and Nuclear Non-Proliferation
in South Asia", and by Seiitsu Tachibana (Japan) on:
"New Wine in New Bottles: A Genuine Nuclear Non-Proliferation
in a Nuclear-Weapon-Free World".
Language: English; Areas: security, non-proliferation,
light weapons, refugees; Region: Europe, East Central
Europe, South Asia.