HEXAGON Book Series
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1 Bonn Workshop 9-13 October 2005 at 6th Open Meeting of IHDP


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Book Series > AFES-PRESS Reports > apr060


Dieter Geissler
Amerikanisch-sowjetische Beziehungen
in der Bush-Administration 1989-1991
Perzeption, Reaktion oder Innovation

[American-Soviet Relations in the
Bush Administration 1989-1991
Perception, Reaction or Innovation]

AFES-PRESS Report No. 60
1996, ISBN 3-926979-64-X
€ 20.00- $ 28.00 - SF 40.00

This report is based on a diploma thesis that was submitted in April 1995 at the department of Social Sciences at J.W. Goethe University in Frankfurt on Main. After a brief introduction the study by Geissler is divided in three parts. In part I he reviews the global contextual change (1989-1991) as a challenge for theories of international relations in the light of social science explanations pertaining to the declared perception and the reaction between a passive adaptation and as the result of an active learning process. The method of structured focused comparison is developed that is applied in part II where American-Soviet relations in a period of change are analysed for 1989: the year of change, 1990, the year of a new start and 1991 with the decline of the Soviet Union. In Part III he reviews the bilateral relations during these three years and interprets them with regard to adaptation or learning. This study combines a theoretical orientation and is well based on empirical research. The study includes a 13 page list of the literature that was used.

apr060; Language: German; Areas: foreign policy; Region: United States, Soviet Union.