HEXAGON Book Series
Human and Environmental
Security and Peace (HESP

Bonn Workshop 9-13 October 2005 at 6th Open Meeting of IHDP


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Book Series > Collection Strademed > cst14


Antonio Marquina and
Hans Günter Brauch (Eds.):

The Mediterranean Space and its Borders.
Geography, Politics, Economics and Environment

Collection STRADEMED, No. 14

Madrid: UNISCI - Mosbach: AFES-PRESS
September 2001, ISBN: 3-926979-92-5, 320 pp.
€ 40.00 - US $38.00 - £ 28.00 - SFr 75.00

List of contents

Part I: Introduction: Defining the Mediterranean Space

Chapter 1: Antonio Marquina: Introduction

Chapter 2: Hans Günter Brauch: Mediterranean Space and Boundaries

Part II: Geostrategic and Geopolitical Aspects of the Mediterranean

Chapter 3: General Félix Sanz: Geo-strategic Analysis of the Mediterranean Region at the Beginning of the 21st Century: Consequences for the Definition of the Mediterranean Space

Chapter 4: Antonio Marquina: The Definition of the Euro-Mediterranean Region of the Barcelona Process - Design and Weaknesses

Part III: Geo-economics, Geopolitics and Globalization

Chapter 5: Abdelkader Sid Ahmed: The Mediterranean: a virtual geo-economic space. A Case of an Impossible Regionalism

Chapter 6: Hans Günter Brauch: The Mediterranean 'Space' Beyond Géopolitique and Globalization: Common 'Space' - Divided 'Region'

Part IV: Boundaries of the Mediterranean

Chapter 7: Mohammad Selim: Trans Mediterranean - Arabian Geo-Strategic Linkages and Their Implications for Mediterranean Security

Chapter 8: Mustafa Aydin: Volatile Politics and Constancy of Instability in the Caucasus and its Effects on Mediterranean Stability and Security

Chapter 9: Ephraim Kam: The Impact of Central Asian Republics and the Eastern Part of the Middle East on Mediterranean Stability

Chapter 10: Carlos Echeverria: The Sahel - A Volatile Region

Part V: Brainstorming and Conclusions

Chapter 11: Gracia Abad, Alberto Priego: Debates and Proposals on the Definition of the Mediterranean Space


cst014: Language: English; Areas: space, geography, politics, economics, environment; Region: Mediterranean