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Book Series > Hans Günter Brauch > hgb001


Hans Günter Brauch

Struktureller Wandel und Rüstungspolitik
der USA (1940-1950)
Zur Weltführungsrolle und ihreninnenpolitischen Bedingungen

[Structural Change and Armament Policy of the
Untied States (1940-1950)
America's World Power Role and its Domestic Preconditions]

Inaugural Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Philosophie der Ruprecht-Karl Universität zu Heidelberg

Ann Arbor - London: University Microfilms International1976, 1863 pp.; 3 volumes (softcover), € 100.00

1976, 1863 pp.; 3 volumes (hardcover), € 120.00

Copies may be obtained only from AFES-PRESS

This dissertation is organised in seven parts. While part A (pp. 1-151) provides a theoretical framework, part B (pp. 152-340) analyses the historical context for the USA taking over the world power role, and part C (pp. 341-1062) deals in four chapters with the structural change of the determining factors for the American foreign, defence, armament, arms control and disarmament policy during the second world war and at the start of the Cold War focusing at the economic system (pp. 341-460), the political and social system of the USA (pp. 471-872), the governmental-administrative system (pp. 873-943) and the consensual and legitimatory system (pp. 939-1062). In part D (pp. 1063-1186) the domestic implications for the USA of taking over the world leadership role and of the structural change on the US defence and armament policy are analysed, while part E (pp. 1187-1233) interprets the American arms control and disarmament policy (1945-1950) and part F (pp. 1234-1263) offers general conclusions. Part G (pp.1264-1863) contains an appendix with extensive footnotes, a bibliography, and an analysis of NSC-68 that was declassified after the conclusion of this dissertation.

hgb001; Language: German; Areas: armament, arms industry, defence, foreign, military, security policy, society, public opinion, US Congress; Region: United States.