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Book Series > Publisud > Pub002


Henri Burgelin (Ed.):

L'Europe et la sécurité collective.
Dépasser les Mythes

[Europe and Collective Security.
Overcoming the Myths]

[Europa und kollektive Sicherheit.
Überwindung der Mythen]

(Paris: Publisud, 2000), 136 pp., € 25
ISBN: 2-86600-395-0

Prior to the Intergovernmental Conference in Nice in December 2000 that adopted a definition of a common European defence policy, this volume focused in the first part on the role of NATO in the new international order and in the second part it discussed the compatibility of the new common European defence identity with NATO's policies.

Among its authors are Armand de Decker (President of the Senate, Belgium), General Carlo Bellinzona (Italy), Henry Zipper de Fabiani (France), Andrew Pierre (USA), Alexandre Orlov (Russia), M. Meimeth (Germany), Lluis Maria de Puig (Spain), General Carlo Jean (Italy), Nicolae Uscoi (Romania), Ömur Orhun (Turkey) and Bénédicte Renaude (France).

The editor Henri Burgelin, professor of history, has worked since 1965 in the Secretariat of the Western European Union, he is also an adviser of CEPS in Paris.

Pub002; Language: French; Areas: European security; European Union; NATO; Region: Europe, France, Belgium, USA, Russia, Germany, Spain, Italy. Romania, Turkey; Publisher: Publisud.