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Book Series > Publisud > Pub007


Antonio Sassu (Ed.):

Savoir-Faire et Productions Locales
Dans Les Pays de la Mediterranee

[Knowhow and Local Production
in Mediterranean Countries]

[Knowhow und Lokale Produktion
in Mittelmeerländern]

(Paris: Publisud, 2001), 359 pp.,
€ 37.81 ISBN: 2-86600-852-9

The book is based on the papers presented at an international symposium at the University of Cagliari (Sardinia, Italy) on 5-6 November 1999. The book is co-published by ISPROM (Istituti di Studi e Programmi per il Mediterraneo in Sassari, Cagliari) and Publisud (Paris).

The goal of this volume is to study both from theoretical and empirical perspectives the determining factors which assure the transfer of local know-how in an advanced sector, especially in the agricultural and food industry. The contributions are to contribute to a better understanding the mechanisms of a theory of local economic development that could be relevant for economic development policies in underdeveloped regions. The book is divided intro parts. While the six contributions by P. Giovannini, A. Sassu, A Sid Ahmed, A. Torre, L. di Comite and F. Losurdo as well as A. Lopez Lopez and J. M. Mella Marquez in the first part deal with the general and theoretical aspects that contribute to transformation processes and to the development of local know-how the nine chapters by L. Meldolesi, C. del Canto Fresno, F. de Casabianca, V. Dordio, M. Tounsi, A. Feguène, C. Manera, V. Nicolardi and P. Resta and G. Sabattini cover the national and regional experiences in the Mediterranean countries.

Pub007; Language: French; Areas: economic development; Region: Mediterranean