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Book Series > Publisud > Pub009


Maurice Rieutord, S.J. -
Loïc Tribot La Spière

Le Bassin Mediterranéen:
Un Espace en quête de Sens?

[The Mediterranean Basin.
A Space in Search for a Mission]

[Das Mittelmeerbecken.
Ein Raum auf der Suche nach einer Mission]

(Paris: Publisud, 2000), 85 pp.,
€ 12,50ISBN: 2-86600-614-3

{In this book religious issues in the Mediterranean region are analysed in chapters by Michel Habib-Deloncle (President of the Franco-Arab Chamber of Commerce), Loïc Tribot La Spière (CEPS), Paul Balta (journalist, writer), Maurice Rieutord, S.J., Ketty Faurie (CEPS), Amb. Layashi Yakere (OMIR, Algeria), Amb. Mohamed Ennaceur (Tunisia), Abdelkader Sid Ahmed (Orstom, Sorbonne) and Camille Cabana (Institu du Monde Arabe).

The book was edited by Maurice Rieutord, S.J., the founder and secretary general of the Observatoire Méditerranéen pour l'Information et la Réflexion (OMIR) and a member of CEPS. Loïc Tribot La Spière is representative of the Centre d'Étude et de Prospective Stratégique (CEPS) and an administrator of the Institut Robert Schuman pour l'Europe, IRSE)

Pub009; Language: French; Areas: religion; Region: Mediterranean