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Book Series > Publisud > Pub010


François de Casabianca (Ed.)

Suds et îles de Méditerranée.
De L'assistance a l'initiative ?

[South and Mediterranean Islands.
From assistance to initiative]

[Der Süden und die Mittelmeerinseln.
Von der Hilfe zur Initiative]

(Paris: Publisud, 1998), 358 pp.,
€ 23.02ISBN: 2-86600-840-5

The book - edited by François de Casabianca of the Centre de Corse (INRA) - is copublished by Dynmed and Publisud (Paris) with the support of the DG XII of the European Commission. Dynmed is a network of about hundred Mediterranean scholars from economics, geography, sociology as well as agricultural, technological and ecological specialists that have produced several studies for the European Commission that has analysed problems of underdevelopment in Southern Europe.

The first part offers a synthesis compiled by François de Casabianca on the thinking of scientists participating in Dynmed on the identity and genesis of the South and on the economic and cultural articulation for the development and it concludes with a discussion of the impact of the Northern model on the South and suggesting another concept of development for the South. In the second part it summarises the results of five working groups on Mediterranean issues, especially on the environment, on territorial planning, culture and institutions. The book concludes with a summary of the main results of the five working groups.

Pub010; Language: French; Areas: economic underdevelopment; Region: Mediterranean, Southern Europe.