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Book Series > Publisud > Pub044


Azzouz Kerdoun

Environnement et développement durable.
Enjeux et défis

[Environment and Sustainable Development.
Areas and Challenges]

[Umwelt und nachhaltige Entwicklung.
Anwendungen und Herausforderungen]

(Paris : Publisud, 2000), 230 pp.,
€ 26,90 ISBN: 2-86600-642-9 ISSN: 0981-6356
Order No. 102050531

After a brief introduction, Kerdoun reviews the concept of sustainable development, the strategy of development and the protection of the environment in the Mediterranean, he pleads for a strengthened protection of the good environments and of the natural resources, he calls for a charter for the protection of the environment in the Maghreb. He also reviews the problem of maritime pollution, deals with the protection of the Algerian coast-line and analyses the studies of the impact on the environment in Algeria and he concludes with a chapter on water issues and protection. An annex includes six important national (Algerian environment act of 1983, Algerian position on international environmental treaties of 1996), regional (Maghrebean charter on the environment) and global documents (Rio Declaration) and two documents on the protection of water.

Azzouz Kerdoun is a professor for public law at the University of Constantine and director of a research unit on Africa and the Arab world. He is a member of many study groups on the Maghreb and on the Mediterranean. He is the author of three earlier books on Arab-African cooperation (1987), on technology transfer (1991) and on security issues in the Mediterranean (1995).

Pub044; Language: French; Areas: environment, sustainable development; Region: Algeria, Mediterranean