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Stand Alone Books (SAB)

Edited by
Hans Günter Brauch,

AFES-PRESS, chairman
Free University of Berlin (Ret.)

Single Peer Reviewed Books


Vol 5

Juan Antonio Le Clercq, Jose Pablo Abreu Sacramento (Eds.): Rebuilding the State Institutions - Challenges for Democratic Rule of Law in Mexico (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2020).

ISBN (Hardcover): 978-3-030-31313-5
ISBN (Softcover): 978-3-030-31316-6
ISBN (MyCopy): 978-3-030-31315-9

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  • Presents an interdisciplinary and integrated approach to understanding the Rule of Law in Mexico, taking into account national particularities, the regional context and global comparison
  • Discusses recent institutional reforms in Mexico and explores possible next steps to foster their effective implementation
  • Explains the links between a weak Rule of Law and social phenomena like insecurity, violence, corruption and democratic deficits

Contemporary Mexico faces a complex crisis of violence and insecurity with high levels of impunity and the lack of an effective rule of law. These weaknesses in the rule of law are multidimensional and involve elements of institutional design, the specific content of the laws, particularities of political competition and a culture of legality in a country with severe social inequalities. This book discusses necessary institutional and legal reforms to develop the rule of law in a context of democratic, social and economic transformations. The chapters are organized to address: 1) The concept of the ‘rule of law’ and its measurement; 2) The fragility of the ‘rule of law’ in Mexico; 3) Structural reforms and implementation challenges; 4) Social exclusion and the culture of legality. The book addresses decision-makers, civil servants, consultants, scholars, lecturers, and students focusing on public policy, rule of law, sociology of law, legislative studies and practice, impunity, and areas of political philosophy.

Keywords: Weak Rule of Law, Institutional reform in Mexico, Justice in Mexico, Security in Mexico, Corruption in Mexico, Impunity in Mexico, Institutional change in Mexico, Culture of legality, Law reform in Mexico, Transformations in Mexico, Latin American politics democracy

Editors’ affiliations

  • Juan Antonio Le Clercq, Departamento de Relaciones Internacionales y Ciencia Política, Centro de Estudio sobre Impunidad y Justicia, Universidad de las Américas, Puebla, (UDLAP), Cholula,Mexico
  • Jose Pablo Abreu Sacramento, Departamento de Derecho, Escuela de Ciencias Sociales y Gobierno, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Campus Santa Fe, Mexico City, Mexico