Policy and Armaments
of armaments dynamics
Armbrust, Rolf: Antisubmarine Warfare and Strategic
Stability (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-05-4,
German, apr008.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Structural Change and
Armament Policy of the Untied States (1940-1950). America's
World Power Role and its Domestic Preconditions (Ann Arbor
- London: University Microfilms International, 1976),
German, hgb001.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Developments and Results
of Peace Research (1969-1978). An Interim Assessment and
Detailed Proposals for the Second Decade (Frankfurt on
Main: Haag + Herchen, 1979), German, hgb002.
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Missiles are Coming!
From the NATO INF Decision up to Deployment (Köln:
Bund), German, hgb006.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Nuclear Weapons and Arms
Control. An interdisciplinary study book (Opladen: Westdeutscher
Verlag), German, hgb010.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Survey of Recent and
On-going Research in the Social and Human Sciences on
Disarmament (Paris: UNESCO, 1988), hgb028.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Military Technology,
Armaments Dynamics and Disarmament. ABC Weapons, Military
use of Nuclear Energy and of Outer Space and Implications
for International Law (London: Macmillan Press - New York:
St. Martin's Press, 1989), hgb015.
Brauch, Hans Günter¸ Graaf, Henk van de;
Grin, John; Smit, Wim: Military Defence Impact Assessment
and Preventive Arms Control. Institutions, Procedures
and Instruments, Peace, Security, Environment, Climate
and Energy, No. 11 (Münster: Lit-Verlag, 1997), ISBN
3-926979-65-8, German hgb024; also: fsu011.
Geugis, Martin: Weapons Technology and the Concept
of Strategic Stability. A study on US Strategic C3I-Systems
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-07-0, German,
Kang, Chong-Sook: China in arms - China in Waffen
(Frankfurt on Main: Haag + Herchen, 1979), German, ibhh02.
Nicolay, Frank: SDI - Missile Defence Systems (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-08-9, apr011:.
Rosenschild, Ilse: Antisatellite Weapons and Arms
Control (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-06-2,
German, apr009.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Graaf, Henny J. van der;
Grin, John; Smit, Wim A. (Eds.): Controlling the Development
and Spread of Military Technology. Lessons from the Past
and Challenges for the 1990s (Amsterdam: VU University
Press, 1992), hgb020.
on armament industry
Bullens, Hendrik (Ed.): Arms Industry at the Crossroads:
Conversion, Restructering and Arms Trade in Europe - IPRA
Security and Disarmament Commission Paper 8 (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1967), ISBN 3-926979-67-4, German, apr062.
industry, by country
States of America
Brauch, Hans Günter: Structural Change and
Armament Policy of the Untied States (1940-1950). America's
World Power Role and its Domestic Preconditions (Ann Arbor
- London: University Microfilms International, 1976),
German, hgb001.
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Missiles are Coming!
From the NATO INF Decision up to Deployment (Köln:
Bund, 1983), German, hgb006.
Bullens, Hendrik (Ed.): Arms Industry at the Crossroads:
Conversion, Restructering and Arms Trade in Europe - IPRA
Security and Disarmament Commission Paper 8 (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1967), ISBN 3-926979-67-4, German, apr062.
Geugis, Martin: Weapons Technology and the Concept
of Strategic Stability. A study on US Strategic C3I-Systems
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-07-0, German,
Nicolay, Frank: SDI - Missile Defence Systems (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-08-9, apr011:.
Trefz, Dagmar: German-French Defence Cooperation.
Opportunities and Scope for Action (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1989), ISBN 3-926979-15-1, German, apr017..
Trefz, Dagmar: German-French Defence Cooperation.
Opportunities and Scope for Action (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1989), ISBN 3-926979-15-1, German, apr017..
States of America
Armbrust, Rolf: Antisubmarine Warfare and Strategic
Stability (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-05-4,
German, apr008.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Structural Change and
Armament Policy of the Untied States (1940-1950). America's
World Power Role and its Domestic Preconditions (Ann Arbor
- London: University Microfilms International, 1976),
German, hgb001.
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Chemical Nightmare
Will There be a Chemical War in Europe? (Bonn: Dietz,
1982), German, hgb004.
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Missiles are Coming!
From the NATO INF Decision up to Deployment (Köln:
Bund, 1983), German, hgb006.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Duncan L. Clarke (Eds.):
Decisionmaking for Arms Limitation Assessments and Prospects
(Cambridge, Mass., USA: Ballinger Publishing Company,
1983), hgb008.
Brauch, Hans Günter: 30 Hypotheses and 10
Assessments on the Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI)
and on a European Defence Initiative (EVI) (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1986, 1988), apr002.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Antitactical Missile
Defense. Will the European Version of SDI Undermine the
ABM Treaty? (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1986, 1988), ISBN 3-926979-01-1,
Brauch, Hans Günter: Star Wars and European
Defence. Implications for Europe: Perceptions and Assessments
(London: Macmillan Press - New York: St. Martin's Press,
1987), hgb013.
Brauch, Hans Günter: European Defence Initiative
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1988) ISBN 3-926979-02-X, apr003.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Rainer Fischbach: Military
Use of Outer Space. A Bibliography (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag
A.Spitz, 1988), German, hgb014.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Survey of Recent and
On-going Research in the Social and Human Sciences on
Disarmament (Paris: UNESCO, 1988), hgb028.
Brauch, H.G. (Ed.):Verification and Arms Control
- Implications for European Security, Part I: Abstracts
and Discussions (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1990), ISBN 3-926979-28-3,
Brauch, H.G. (Ed.): Verification and Arms Control
- Implications for European Security, Part II: Selected
Papers (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1990), ISBN 3-926979-29-1¸
Brauch, Hans Günter; Robert Kennedy: Alternative
Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater.
Volume 1: The Military Balance and Domestic Constraints
(New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London, 1990),
Brauch, Hans Günter; Robert Kennedy: Alternative
Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater.
Volume 2: The Impact of Political Change on Strategy,
Technology, and Arms Control (New York - Bristol, PA -
Washington, DC, London, 1992), hgb017.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Evaluation of ATBM Defense
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1992), ISBN 3-926979-19-4, apr027.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Robert Kennedy: Alternative
Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater.
Volume 3: Force Posture Alternatives for Europe After
the Cold War (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC,
London, 1993), hgb018.
Bullens, Hendrik (Ed.): Arms Industry at the Crossroads:
Conversion, Restructering and Arms Trade in Europe - IPRA
Security and Disarmament Commission Paper 8 (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1967), ISBN 3-926979-67-4, German, apr062.
Chalmers, Malcolm; Unterseher. Lutz: Is There a
Tank Gap? A Comparative Assessment of the Tank Fleets
of NATO and the Warsaw Pact Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,1990),
ISBN 3-926979-12-7, apr020.
Geugis, Martin: Weapons Technology and the Concept
of Strategic Stability. A study on US Strategic C3I-Systems
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-07-0, German,
Grin, John: Communication System of NATO's Land
Forces (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1990), ISBN 3-926979-22-4,
Nicolay, Frank: SDI - Missile Defence Systems (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-08-9, apr011:
weapons systems
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Chemical Nightmare
Will There be a Chemical War in Europe? (Bonn: Dietz,1982),
German, hgb004.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Poison Gas in the Federal
Republic of Germany. Chemical and Biological Weapons (Frankfurt:
Fischer, 1982), German, hgb005.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Graaf, Henny J. van der;
Grin, John; Smit, Wim A. (Eds.): Controlling the Development
and Spread of Military Technology. Lessons from the Past
and Challenges for the 1990s (Amsterdam: VU University
Press, 1992), hgb020.
Brauch, Hans Günter (Ed.): Controlling Military
Research, Development and Exports of Dual Use Technologies
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1992), ISBN 3-926979-44-5, apr045.
Badelt, Joachim: Chemical Warfare - Chemical Disarmament.
The Position of the Federal Republic of Germany and the
Paris Chemical Weapons Convention - Chemische Kriegführung
- Chemische Abrüstung. Die Position der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland und das Pariser Chemiewaffen-Übereinkommen.
Mit einem Vorwort von Prof. Dr. Ulrich Albrecht (Berlin:
Berlin-Verlag Arno Spitz, 1994), in German, fsu005.
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Chemical Nightmare
Will There be a Chemical War in Europe? (Bonn: Dietz,
1982), German, hgb004.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Poison Gas in the Federal
Republic of Germany. Chemical and Biological Weapons (Frankfurt:
Fischer, 1982), German, hgb005.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Rolf-Dieter Müller (Eds.):
Chemical Warfare - Chemical Disarmament. Documents and
Comments (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag A.Spitz, 1985), German,
Brauch, Hans Günter; Graaf, Henny J. van der;
Grin, John; Smit, Wim A. (Eds.): Controlling the Development
and Spread of Military Technology. Lessons from the Past
and Challenges for the 1990s (Amsterdam: VU University
Press, 1992), hgb020.
Brauch, Hans Günter (Ed.): Controlling Military
Research, Development and Exports of Dual Use Technologies
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1992), ISBN 3-926979-44-5, apr045.
Mechler, Jürgen: The American Binary Weapon
Programme Chemical Weapons: Technology and Politics (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1994), ISBN 3-926979-56-9, German, apr052.
Brauch, Hans Günter (Ed.): Confidence Building
Measures and European Disarmament Conference Analyses,
Documents and Proposals (Gerlingen: Bleicher, 1986), ISBN
3-88350-270-7, German, hgb019.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Robert Kennedy: Alternative
Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater.
Volume 1: The Military Balance and Domestic Constraints
(New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London, 1990),
Brauch, Hans Günter; Robert Kennedy: Alternative
Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater.
Volume 2: The Impact of Political Change on Strategy,
Technology, and Arms Control (New York - Bristol, PA -
Washington, DC, London, 1992), hgb017.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Evaluation of ATBM Defense
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1992), ISBN 3-926979-19-4, apr027.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Robert Kennedy: Alternative
Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater.
Volume 3: Force Posture Alternatives for Europe After
the Cold War (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC,
London, 1993), hgb018.
Bullens, Hendrik (Ed.): Arms Industry at the Crossroads:
Conversion, Restructering and Arms Trade in Europe - IPRA
Security and Disarmament Commission Paper 8 (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1967), ISBN 3-926979-67-4, German, apr062.
Chalmers, Malcolm; Unterseher. Lutz: Is There a
Tank Gap? A Comparative Assessment of the Tank Fleets
of NATO and the Warsaw Pact Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,1990),
ISBN 3-926979-12-7, apr020.
Daguzan, Jean Francois: The Last Wall? Armed Forces
and Defence in the Mghreb - Le dernier rempart? Forces
armées et politiques de défense au Maghreb
(Paris: Publisud, 1998), French, cst005.
Grin, John: Communication System of NATO's Land
Forces (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1990), ISBN 3-926979-22-4,
Hannig, Norbert: Defending without Threatening.
The DEWA Concept as a Substitute for NATO-FOFA (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1987), ISBN 3-926979-03-8, German, apr005.
Hannig, Norbert: Deterrence without Conventional
Weapons. The David-Goliath-Principle Abschreckung ohne
konventionelle Waffen. Das David-Goliath-Prinzip (Berlin:
Berlin-Verlag Arno Spitz, 1984), in German, fsu002.
Studiengruppe Alternative Sicherheitspolitik: Confidence-building
Defence. Reform of German Security Policy -- Vertrauensbildende
Verteidigung. Reform deutscher Sicherheitspolitik (Gerlingen:
Bleicher-Verlag, 1989), in German, fsu010.
Unterseher, Lutz: The Conventional Land Defense
in Central Europe. Force Structure, Emerging Technology
and Military Stability (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1990), ISBN
3-926979-21-6, apr030.
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Missiles are Coming!
From the NATO INF Decision up to Deployment (Köln:
Bund, 1983), German, hgb006.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Duncan L. Clarke (Eds.):
Decisionmaking for Arms Limitation Assessments and Prospects
(Cambridge, Mass., USA: Ballinger Publishing Company,
1983), hgb008.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Survey of Recent and
On-going Research in the Social and Human Sciences on
Disarmament (Paris: UNESCO, 1988), hgb028.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Graaf, Henny J. van der;
Grin, John; Smit, Wim A. (Eds.): Controlling the Development
and Spread of Military Technology. Lessons from the Past
and Challenges for the 1990s (Amsterdam: VU University
Press, 1992), hgb020.
Brauch, Hans Günter (Ed.): Controlling Military
Research, Development and Exports of Dual Use Technologies
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1992), ISBN 3-926979-44-5, apr045.
Rotblat, Joseph: Nuclear Radiation in Warfare.
A SIPRI Publication - Strahlungswirkungen beim Einsatz
von Kernwaffen. Eine SIPRI Publikation (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag
Arno Spitz, 1986, 2nd Ed. 1996), in German, fsu004.
Brauch, Hans Günter: 30 Hypotheses and 10
Assessments on the Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI)
and on a European Defence Initiative (EVI) (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1986, 1988), apr002.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Antitactical Missile
Defense. Will the European Version of SDI Undermine the
ABM Treaty? (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1986, 1988), ISBN 3-926979-01-1,
Brauch, Hans Günter: Star Wars and European
Defence. Implications for Europe: Perceptions and Assessments
(London: Macmillan Press - New York: St. Martin's Press,
1987), hgb013.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Fischbach, Rainer: Military
Use of Outer Space. A Research Bibliography (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1987), German, apr004.
Brauch, Hans Günter: European Defence Initiative
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1988) ISBN 3-926979-02-X, apr003.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Rainer Fischbach: Military
Use of Outer Space. A Bibliography (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag
A.Spitz, 1988), German, hgb014.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Graaf, Henny J. van der;
Grin, John; Smit, Wim A. (Eds.): Controlling the Development
and Spread of Military Technology. Lessons from the Past
and Challenges for the 1990s (Amsterdam: VU University
Press, 1992), hgb020.
Brauch, Hans Günter (Ed.): Controlling Military
Research, Development and Exports of Dual Use Technologies
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1992), ISBN 3-926979-44-5, apr045.
Nicolay, Frank: SDI - Missile Defence Systems (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-08-9, apr011:.
Forces, Military
- Daguzan,
Jean Francois: The Last Wall? Armed Forces and Defence
in the Mghreb - Le dernier rempart? Forces armées
et politiques de défense au Maghreb (Paris: Publisud,
1998), French, cst005.
FMES: Mediterranean: A Space for Cooperation. Activities
of the States at Sea - Méditerranée, un
domaine de coopération: L'action des Etats en mer.
Colloque de Toulon des 2 et 3 Avril 1998 (Toulon: Addim,
1999), cst009.
FMES: Mediterranean: A Space for Cooperation. Activities
of the States at Sea - Méditerranée, un
domaine de coopération: L'action des Etats en mer.
Colloque de Toulon des 2 et 3 Avril 1998 (Toulon: Addim,
1999), cst009.
Studiengruppe Alternative Sicherheitspolitik: Confidence-building
Defence. Reform of German Security Policy -- Vertrauensbildende
Verteidigung. Reform deutscher Sicherheitspolitik (Gerlingen:
Bleicher-Verlag, 1989), in German, fsu010.
FMES: Mediterranean: A Space for Cooperation. Activities
of the States at Sea - Méditerranée, un
domaine de coopération: L'action des Etats en mer.
Colloque de Toulon des 2 et 3 Avril 1998 (Toulon: Addim,
1999), cst009.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Graaf, Henny J. van der;
Grin, John; Smit, Wim A. (Eds.): Controlling the Development
and Spread of Military Technology. Lessons from the Past
and Challenges for the 1990s (Amsterdam: VU University
Press, 1992), hgb020.
Brauch, Hans Günter (Ed.): Controlling Military
Research, Development and Exports of Dual Use Technologies
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1992), ISBN 3-926979-44-5, apr045.
Bullens, Hendrik (Ed.): Arms Industry at the Crossroads:
Conversion, Restructering and Arms Trade in Europe - IPRA
Security and Disarmament Commission Paper 8 (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1967), ISBN 3-926979-67-4, German, apr062.
Bullens, Hendrik; Tachibana, Seiitsu with the assistance
of Reynolds, Wayne (Eds.): Restructuring Security
Concepts, Postures and Industrial Base - IPRA Security
and Disarmament Commission Paper 9 (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1997), ISBN 3-926979-68-2, German, apr063.
Missile Defence
(US Programmes)
Brauch, Hans Günter: Attack from Space. Arms
Competition in Outer Space (Bonn: Dietz), German, hgb011.
Brauch, Hans Günter: 30 Hypotheses and 10
Assessments on the Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI)
and on a European Defence Initiative (EVI) (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1986, 1988), apr002.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Antitactical Missile
Defense. Will the European Version of SDI Undermine the
ABM Treaty? (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1986, 1988), ISBN 3-926979-01-1,
Brauch, Hans Günter: Star Wars and European
Defence. Implications for Europe: Perceptions and Assessments
(London: Macmillan Press - New York: St. Martin's Press,
1987), hgb013.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Fischbach, Rainer: Military
Use of Outer Space. A Research Bibliography (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1987), German, apr004.
Brauch, Hans Günter: European Defence Initiative
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1988) ISBN 3-926979-02-X, apr003.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Rainer Fischbach: Military
Use of Outer Space. A Bibliography (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag
A.Spitz, 1988), German, hgb014.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Military Technology,
Armaments Dynamics and Disarmament. ABC Weapons, Military
use of Nuclear Energy and of Outer Space and Implications
for International Law (London: Macmillan Press - New York:
St. Martin's Press, 1989), hgb015.
Geugis, Martin: Weapons Technology and the Concept
of Strategic Stability. A study on US Strategic C3I-Systems
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-07-0, German,
Nicolay, Frank: SDI - Missile Defence Systems (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-08-9, apr011:.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Graaf, Henny J. van der;
Grin, John; Smit, Wim A. (Eds.): Controlling the Development
and Spread of Military Technology. Lessons from the Past
and Challenges for the 1990s (Amsterdam: VU University
Press, 1992), hgb020.
Brauch, Hans Günter (Ed.): Controlling Military
Research, Development and Exports of Dual Use Technologies
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1992), ISBN 3-926979-44-5, apr045.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Star Wars and European
Defence. Implications for Europe: Perceptions and Assessments
(London: Macmillan Press - New York: St. Martin's Press,
1987), hgb013.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Rainer Fischbach: Military
Use of Outer Space. A Bibliography (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag
A.Spitz, 1988), German, hgb014.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Military Technology,
Armaments Dynamics and Disarmament. ABC Weapons, Military
use of Nuclear Energy and of Outer Space and Implications
for International Law (London: Macmillan Press - New York:
St. Martin's Press, 1989), hgb015.
missile defence
Brauch, Hans Günter: 30 Hypotheses and 10
Assessments on the Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI)
and on a European Defence Initiative (EVI) (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1986, 1988), apr002.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Antitactical Missile
Defense. Will the European Version of SDI Undermine the
ABM Treaty? (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1986, 1988), ISBN 3-926979-01-1,
Brauch, Hans Günter: Star Wars and European
Defence. Implications for Europe: Perceptions and Assessments
(London: Macmillan Press - New York: St. Martin's Press,
1987), hgb013.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Fischbach, Rainer: Military
Use of Outer Space. A Research Bibliography (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1987), German, apr004.
Brauch, Hans Günter: European Defence Initiative
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1988) ISBN 3-926979-02-X, apr003.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Rainer Fischbach: Military
Use of Outer Space. A Bibliography (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag
A.Spitz, 1988), German, hgb014.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Military Technology,
Armaments Dynamics and Disarmament. ABC Weapons, Military
use of Nuclear Energy and of Outer Space and Implications
for International Law (London: Macmillan Press - New York:
St. Martin's Press, 1989), hgb015.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Evaluation of ATBM Defense
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1992), ISBN 3-926979-19-4, apr027.
Brauch, Hans Günter (Ed.): Controlling Military
Research, Development and Exports of Dual Use Technologies
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1992), ISBN 3-926979-44-5, apr045.
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Chemical Nightmare
Will There be a Chemical War in Europe? (Bonn: Dietz),
German, hgb004.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Poison Gas in the Federal
Republic of Germany. Chemical and Biological Weapons (Frankfurt:
Fischer), German, hgb005.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Rolf-Dieter Müller (Eds.):
Chemical Warfare - Chemical Disarmament. Documents and
Comments (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag A.Spitz), German, hgb012.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Military Technology,
Armaments Dynamics and Disarmament. ABC Weapons, Military
use of Nuclear Energy and of Outer Space and Implications
for International Law (London: Macmillan Press - New York:
St. Martin's Press, 1989), hgb015.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Graaf, Henny J. van der;
Grin, John; Smit, Wim A. (Eds.): Controlling the Development
and Spread of Military Technology. Lessons from the Past
and Challenges for the 1990s (Amsterdam: VU University
Press, 1992), hgb020.
Brauch, Hans Günter (Ed.): Controlling Military
Research, Development and Exports of Dual Use Technologies
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1992), ISBN 3-926979-44-5, apr045.
Badelt, Joachim: Chemical Warfare - Chemical Disarmament.
The Position of the Federal Republic of Germany and the
Paris Chemical Weapons Convention --Chemische Kriegführung
- Chemische Abrüstung. Die Position der Bundesrepublik
Deutschland und das Pariser Chemiewaffen-Übereinkommen.
Mit einem Vorwort von Prof. Dr. Ulrich Albrecht (Berlin:
Berlin-Verlag Arno Spitz, 1994), in German, fsu005.
Beck, Herbert: Veryfying the Projected CW Convention
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-10-0, German,
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Chemical Nightmare
Will There be a Chemical War in Europe? (Bonn: Dietz),
German, hgb004.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Poison Gas in the Federal
Republic of Germany. Chemical and Biological Weapons (Frankfurt:
Fischer), German, hgb005.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Rolf-Dieter Müller (Eds.):
Chemical Warfare - Chemical Disarmament. Documents and
Comments (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag A.Spitz), German, hgb012.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Military Technology,
Armaments Dynamics and Disarmament. ABC Weapons, Military
use of Nuclear Energy and of Outer Space and Implications
for International Law (London: Macmillan Press - New York:
St. Martin's Press, 1989), hgb015.
Brauch, H.G.: Chemical Warfare and Chemical Arms
Control (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-26-7,
Brauch, Hans Günter; Graaf, Henny J. van der;
Grin, John; Smit, Wim A. (Eds.): Controlling the Development
and Spread of Military Technology. Lessons from the Past
and Challenges for the 1990s (Amsterdam: VU University
Press, 1992), hgb020.
Brauch, Hans Günter (Ed.): Controlling Military
Research, Development and Exports of Dual Use Technologies
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1992), ISBN 3-926979-44-5, apr045.
control, communications
Geugis, Martin: Weapons Technology and the Concept
of Strategic Stability. A study on US Strategic C3I-Systems
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-07-0, German,
Grin, John: Communication System of NATO's Land
Forces (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1990), ISBN 3-926979-22-4,
Brauch, Hans Günter; Robert Kennedy: Alternative
Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater.
Volume 1: The Military Balance and Domestic Constraints
(New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London, 1990),
Brauch, Hans Günter; Robert Kennedy: Alternative
Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater.
Volume 2: The Impact of Political Change on Strategy,
Technology, and Arms Control (New York - Bristol, PA -
Washington, DC, London, 1992), hgb017.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Robert Kennedy: Alternative
Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater.
Volume 3: Force Posture Alternatives for Europe After
the Cold War (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC,
London, 1993), hgb018.
Bullens, Hendrik (Ed.): Arms Industry at the Crossroads:
Conversion, Restructering and Arms Trade in Europe - IPRA
Security and Disarmament Commission Paper 8 (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1997), ISBN 3-926979-67-4, German, apr062.
Chalmers, Malcolm; Unterseher. Lutz: Is There a
Tank Gap? A Comparative Assessment of the Tank Fleets
of NATO and the Warsaw Pact Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,1990),
ISBN 3-926979-12-7, apr020.
Kang, Chong-Sook: China in arms -- China in Waffen
(Frankfurt on Main: Haag + Herchen, 1979), German, ibhh02.
Orbons, Sjef: A Classification and Evaluation of
Concepts for the Defense of NATO's Central Sector (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-25-9, apr033.
Unterseher, Lutz: The Conventional Land Defense
in Central Europe. Force Structure, Emerging Technology
and Military Stability (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1990), ISBN
3-926979-21-6, apr030.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Survey of Recent and
On-going Research in the Social and Human Sciences on
Disarmament (Paris: UNESCO, 1988), hgb028.
Bullens, Hendrik; Tachibana, Seiitsu with the assistance
of Reynolds, Wayne (Eds.): Restructuring Security
Concepts, Postures and Industrial Base - IPRA Security
and Disarmament Commission Paper 9 (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1997), ISBN 3-926979-68-2, German, apr063.
Weißgerber, Marc: Withdrawal of American
Troops from Rhineland -Palatinate. Problems of a Regional
Conversion (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1991), ISBN 3-926979-35-6,
German, apr006.
Building Measures (CBM)
Brauch, Hans Günter: Survey of Recent and
On-going Research in the Social and Human Sciences on
Disarmament (Paris: UNESCO, 1988), hgb028.
Marquina, Antonio; Brauch, Hans Günter (Eds.):
Confidence Building and Partnership in the Western Mediterranean
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1994), ISBN 3-926979-54-2, apr051.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Survey of Recent and
On-going Research in the Social and Human Sciences on
Disarmament (Paris: UNESCO, 1988), hgb028.
Marquina, Antonio; Brauch, Hans Günter (Eds.):
Confidence Building and Partnership in the Western Mediterranean
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1994), ISBN 3-926979-54-2, apr051.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Survey of Recent and
On-going Research in the Social and Human Sciences on
Disarmament (Paris: UNESCO, 1988), hgb028.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Neuwirth, Gerd (Eds.):
Confidence and Security Building Measures in Europe -
From the Stockholm to the Vienna Document (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1992), ISBN 3-926979-42-9, English, apr024.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Neuwirth, Gerd (Eds.):
Confidence and Security Building Measures in Europe II
- From Vienna 1990 to Vienna 1992 (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1992), ISBN 3-926979-45-3, apr028.
Marquina, Antonio; Brauch, Hans Günter (Eds.):
Confidence Building and Partnership in the Western Mediterranean
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1994), ISBN 3-926979-54-2, apr051.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Marquina, Antonio; Biad,
Abdelwahab (Eds.): Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
for the 21st Century (Houndmills: Macmillan; New York:
St. Martin's Press, 2000; 2nd Edition, Houndmills - New
York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2001); cst008.
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Chemical Nightmare
Will There be a Chemical War in Europe? (Bonn: Dietz,
1982), German, hgb004.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Poison Gas in the Federal
Republic of Germany. Chemical and Biological Weapons (Frankfurt:
Fischer, 1982), German, hgb005.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Survey of Recent and
On-going Research in the Social and Human Sciences on
Disarmament (Paris: UNESCO, 1988), hgb028.
Marquina, Antonio; Brauch, Hans Günter (Eds.):
Confidence Building and Partnership in the Western Mediterranean
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1994), ISBN 3-926979-54-2, apr051.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Survey of Recent and
On-going Research in the Social and Human Sciences on
Disarmament (Paris: UNESCO, 1988), hgb028.
Marquina, Antonio; Brauch, Hans Günter (Eds.):
Confidence Building and Partnership in the Western Mediterranean
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1994), ISBN 3-926979-54-2, apr051.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Survey of Recent and
On-going Research in the Social and Human Sciences on
Disarmament (Paris: UNESCO, 1988), hgb028.
Bullens, Hendrik (Ed.): Arms Industry at the Crossroads:
Conversion, Restructering and Arms Trade in Europe - IPRA
Security and Disarmament Commission Paper 8 (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1967), ISBN 3-926979-67-4, German, apr062.
Bullens, Hendrik; Tachibana, Seiitsu with the assistance
of Reynolds, Wayne (Eds.): Restructuring Security
Concepts, Postures and Industrial Base - IPRA Security
and Disarmament Commission Paper 9 (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1997), ISBN 3-926979-68-2, German, apr063.
Bullens, Hendrik; Tachibana, Seiitsu with the assistance
of Reynolds, Wayne (Eds.): Restructuring Security
Concepts, Postures and Industrial Base - IPRA Security
and Disarmament Commission Paper 9 (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1997), ISBN 3-926979-68-2, German, apr063.
Bussiere, Robert: European Security and International
Realities (Paris: Publisud, 1993), French, Pub06.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Star Wars and European
Defence. Implications for Europe: Perceptions and Assessments
(London: Macmillan Press - New York: St. Martin's Press,
1987), hgb013.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Rainer Fischbach: Military
Use of Outer Space. A Bibliography (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag
A.Spitz, 1988), German, hgb014.
Trefz, Dagmar: German-French Defence Cooperation.
Opportunities and Scope for Action (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1989), ISBN 3-926979-15-1, German, apr017..
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Chemical Nightmare
Will There be a Chemical War in Europe? (Bonn: Dietz),
German, hgb004.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Poison Gas in the Federal
Republic of Germany. Chemical and Biological Weapons (Frankfurt:
Fischer), German, hgb005.
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Missiles are Coming!
From the NATO INF Decision up to Deployment (Köln:
Bund), German, hgb006.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Rolf-Dieter Müller (Eds.):
Chemical Warfare - Chemical Disarmament. Documents and
Comments (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag A.Spitz), German, hgb012.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Star Wars and European
Defence. Implications for Europe: Perceptions and Assessments
(London: Macmillan Press - New York: St. Martin's Press,
1987), hgb013.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Rainer Fischbach: Military
Use of Outer Space. A Bibliography (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag
A.Spitz, 1988), German, hgb014.
Bullens, Hendrik (Ed.): Arms Industry at the Crossroads:
Conversion, Restructering and Arms Trade in Europe - IPRA
Security and Disarmament Commission Paper 8 (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1967), ISBN 3-926979-67-4, German, apr062.
Hannig, Norbert: Defending without Threatening.
The DEWA Concept as a Substitute for NATO-FOFA (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1987), ISBN 3-926979-03-8, German, apr005:
Trefz, Dagmar: German-French Defence Cooperation.
Opportunities and Scope for Action (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1989), ISBN 3-926979-15-1, German, apr017.
States of America
Armbrust, Rolf: Antisubmarine Warfare and Strategic
Stability (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-05-4,
German, apr008.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Structural Change and
Armament Policy of the Untied States (1940-1950). America's
World Power Role and its Domestic Preconditions (Ann Arbor
- London: University Microfilms International, 1976),
German, hgb001.
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Chemical Nightmare
Will There be a Chemical War in Europe? (Bonn: Dietz),
German, hgb004.
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Missiles are Coming!
From the NATO INF Decision up to Deployment (Köln:
Bund), German, hgb006.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Star Wars and European
Defence. Implications for Europe: Perceptions and Assessments
(London: Macmillan Press - New York: St. Martin's Press,
1987), hgb013.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Rainer Fischbach: Military
Use of Outer Space. A Bibliography (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag
A.Spitz, 1988), German, hgb014.
Bullens, Hendrik (Ed.): Arms Industry at the Crossroads:
Conversion, Restructering and Arms Trade in Europe - IPRA
Security and Disarmament Commission Paper 8 (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1967), ISBN 3-926979-67-4, German, apr062.
Geugis, Martin: Weapons Technology and the Concept
of Strategic Stability. A study on US Strategic C3I-Systems
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-07-0, German,
Nicolay, Frank: SDI - Missile Defence Systems (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-08-9, apr011:.
Cresson, Jacques; Montserrrat, Jean-Marc; Tribot La
Spière, Loïc: Defense in all its forms
(Paris: Publisud, 2000), French, Pub03.
Pascallon, Pierre: Which Security for Europe? (Paris:
Publisud, 2000), French Pub04.
Maurer, Andreas: The Socialist Party of France
and European Security (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1993), ISBN
3-926979-46-1, German, apr021.
Trefz, Dagmar: German-French Defence Cooperation.
Opportunities and Scope for Action (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1989), ISBN 3-926979-15-1, German, apr017.
Zahn, Judith: Defence Policy of France (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1988), ISBN 3-92 6979-04-6, German, apr007.
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Chemical Nightmare
Will There be a Chemical War in Europe? (Bonn: Dietz,
1982), German, hgb004.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Schrempf, Alfred: Poison
Gas in the Federal Republic of Germany. Chemical and Biological
Weapons (Frankfurt: Fischer, 1982), German, hgb005.
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Missiles are Coming!
From the NATO INF Decision up to Deployment (Köln:
Bund, 1983), German, hgb006.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Security Policy at a
Dead End? Assessment, Perspectives and New Approaches
(Gerlingen: Bleicher, 1984), German, hgb009.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Rolf-Dieter Müller (Eds.):
Chemical Warfare - Chemical Disarmament. Documents and
Comments (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag A.Spitz, 1985), German,
Brauch, Hans Günter; Robert Kennedy: Alternative
Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater.
Volume 1: The Military Balance and Domestic Constraints
(New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London, 1990),
Brauch, Hans Günter; Robert Kennedy: Alternative
Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater.
Volume 2: The Impact of Political Change on Strategy,
Technology, and Arms Control (New York - Bristol, PA -
Washington, DC, London, 1992), hgb017.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Robert Kennedy: Alternative
Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater.
Volume 3: Force Posture Alternatives for Europe After
the Cold War (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC,
London, 1993), hgb018.
Bullens, Hendrik (Ed.): Arms Industry at the Crossroads:
Conversion, Restructering and Arms Trade in Europe - IPRA
Security and Disarmament Commission Paper 8 (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1967), ISBN 3-926979-67-4, German, apr062.
Studiengruppe Alternative Sicherheitspolitik: Confidence-building
Defence. Reform of German Security Policy -- Vertrauensbildende
Verteidigung. Reform deutscher Sicherheitspolitik (Gerlingen:
Bleicher-Verlag, 1989), in German, fsu010.
Trefz, Dagmar: German-French Defence Cooperation.
Opportunities and Scope for Action (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1989), ISBN 3-926979-15-1, German, apr017.
Weißgerber, Marc: Withdrawal of American
Troops from Rhineland -Palatinate. Problems of a Regional
Conversion (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1991), ISBN 3-926979-35-6,
German, apr006.
Geissler, Dieter: American-Soviet Relations in
the Bush Administration 1989-1991. Perception, Reaction
or Innovation (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1996), ISBN 3-926979-64-X,
German, apr060.
States of America
Armbrust, Rolf: Antisubmarine Warfare and Strategic
Stability (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-05-4,
German, apr008.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Structural Change and
Armament Policy of the Untied States (1940-1950). America's
World Power Role and its Domestic Preconditions (Ann Arbor
- London: University Microfilms International, 1976),
German, hgb001
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Chemical Nightmare
Will There be a Chemical War in Europe? (Bonn: Dietz,
1982), German, hgb004.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Poison Gas in the Federal
Republic of Germany. Chemical and Biological Weapons (Frankfurt:
Fischer, 1982), German, hgb005.
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Missiles are Coming!
From the NATO INF Decision up to Deployment (Köln:
Bund, 1983), German, hgb006.
Brauch, Hans Günter: 30 Hypotheses and 10
Assessments on the Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI)
and on a European Defence Initiative (EVI) (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1986, 1988), apr002.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Antitactical Missile
Defense. Will the European Version of SDI Undermine the
ABM Treaty? (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1986, 1988), ISBN 3-926979-01-1,
Brauch, Hans Günter: Star Wars and European
Defence. Implications for Europe: Perceptions and Assessments
(London: Macmillan Press - New York: St. Martin's Press,
1987), hgb013.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Fischbach, Rainer: Military
Use of Outer Space. A Research Bibliography (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1987), German, apr004.
Brauch, Hans Günter: European Defence Initiative
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1988) ISBN 3-926979-02-X, apr003.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Rainer Fischbach: Military
Use of Outer Space. A Bibliography (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag
A.Spitz, 1988), German, hgb014.
Brauch, H.G.: Chemical Warfare and Chemical Arms
Control (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-26-7,
Brauch, Hans Günter; Robert Kennedy: Alternative
Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater.
Volume 1: The Military Balance and Domestic Constraints
(New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London, 1990),
Brauch, Hans Günter; Robert Kennedy: Alternative
Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater.
Volume 2: The Impact of Political Change on Strategy,
Technology, and Arms Control (New York - Bristol, PA -
Washington, DC, London, 1992), hgb017.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Robert Kennedy: Alternative
Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater.
Volume 3: Force Posture Alternatives for Europe After
the Cold War (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC,
London, 1993), hgb018.
Bullens, Hendrik (Ed.): Arms Industry at the Crossroads:
Conversion, Restructering and Arms Trade in Europe - IPRA
Security and Disarmament Commission Paper 8 (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1967), ISBN 3-926979-67-4, German, apr062.
Geissler, Dieter: American-Soviet Relations in
the Bush Administration 1989-1991. Perception, Reaction
or Innovation (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1996), ISBN 3-926979-64-X,
German, apr060.
Geugis, Martin: Weapons Technology and the Concept
of Strategic Stability. A study on US Strategic C3I-Systems
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-07-0, German,
Nicolay, Frank: SDI - Missile Defence Systems (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-08-9, apr011:.
Studiengruppe Alternative Sicherheitspolitik: Confidence-building
Defence. Reform of German Security Policy -- Vertrauensbildende
Verteidigung. Reform deutscher Sicherheitspolitik (Gerlingen:
Bleicher-Verlag, 1989), in German, fsu010.
Weißgerber, Marc: Withdrawal of American
Troops from Rhineland -Palatinate. Problems of a Regional
Conversion (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1991), ISBN 3-926979-35-6,
German, apr006.
Defence Policy
Bullens, Hendrik; Tachibana, Seiitsu with the assistance
of Reynolds, Wayne (Eds.): Restructuring Security
Concepts, Postures and Industrial Base - IPRA Security
and Disarmament Commission Paper 9 (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1997), ISBN 3-926979-68-2, German, apr063.
Studiengruppe Alternative Sicherheitspolitik: Confidence-building
Defence. Reform of German Security Policy -- Vertrauensbildende
Verteidigung. Reform deutscher Sicherheitspolitik (Gerlingen:
Bleicher-Verlag, 1989), in German, fsu010.
and Germany
Afheldt, Horst; Brauch, Hans Günter; Chalmers,
Malcolm; Dean, Jonathan (Eds.): German Unity and the
Future European Order of Peace and Security (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1990), ISBN 3-926979-31-3, apr038.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Security Policy at a
Dead End? Assessment, Perspectives and New Approaches
(Gerlingen: Bleicher), German, hgb009.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Robert Kennedy: Alternative
Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater.
Volume 1: The Military Balance and Domestic Constraints
(New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London, 1990),
Brauch, Hans Günter; Robert Kennedy: Alternative
Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater.
Volume 2: The Impact of Political Change on Strategy,
Technology, and Arms Control (New York - Bristol, PA -
Washington, DC, London, 1992), hgb017.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Robert Kennedy: Alternative
Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater.
Volume 3: Force Posture Alternatives for Europe After
the Cold War (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC,
London, 1993), hgb018.
Bullens, Hendrik (Ed.): Arms Industry at the Crossroads:
Conversion, Restructering and Arms Trade in Europe - IPRA
Security and Disarmament Commission Paper 8 (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1967), ISBN 3-926979-67-4, German, apr062.
Grin, John: Communication System of NATO's Land
Forces (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1990), ISBN 3-926979-22-4,
Hannig, Norbert: Defending without Threatening.
The DEWA Concept as a Substitute for NATO-FOFA (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1987), ISBN 3-926979-03-8, German, apr005.
Møller, Bjørn (Ed.): Non-Offensive
Defense in Europe. IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study
Group Paper 2 (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1991), ISBN 3-926979-37-2,
Ströber-Fassbender, Ralph: The Study Group
on Alternative Security Policy and the Concept of Confidence
Building Defence (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-16-X,
Hannig, Norbert: Deterrence without Conventional
Weapons. The David-Goliath-Principle Abschreckung ohne
konventionelle Waffen. Das David-Goliath-Prinzip (Berlin:
Berlin-Verlag Arno Spitz, 1984), in German, fsu002.
Studiengruppe Alternative Sicherheitspolitik: Confidence-building
Defence. Reform of German Security Policy -- Vertrauensbildende
Verteidigung. Reform deutscher Sicherheitspolitik (Gerlingen:
Bleicher-Verlag, 1989), in German, fsu010.
Catudal, Honoré M.: Soviet Nuclear Strategy
from Stalin to Gorbachev. A Revolution in Soviet Military
and Political Thinking. With a preface by Ambassador Martin
J. Hillenbrand (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag Arno Spitz, 1988),
Catudal, Honoré M.: Nuclear Deterrence -
Does it Deter? With a preface by Ambassador Martin J.
Hillenbrand (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag Arno Spitz, 1985),
Security Policy
Security Architecture
Afheldt, Horst; Brauch, Hans Günter; Chalmers,
Malcolm; Dean, Jonathan (Eds.): German Unity and the
Future European Order of Peace and Security (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1990), ISBN 3-926979-31-3, apr038.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Security Policy at a
Dead End? Assessment, Perspectives and New Approaches
(Gerlingen: Bleicher, 1984, German, hgb009.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Institutional Elements
for a Pan-European Security Architecture Pact (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1991, ISBN 3-926979-43-7, German, apr023.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Marquina, Antonio; Biad,
Abdelwahab (Eds.): Euro-Mediterranean Partnership
for the 21st Century (Houndmills: Macmillan; New York:
St. Martin's Press, 2000; 2nd Edition, Houndmills - New
York: Palgrave-Macmillan, 2001); cst008.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Liotta, P.H.; Marquina, Antonio;
Rogers, Paul, Selim, Mohammad El-Sayed (Eds.): Security
and Environment in the Mediterranean - Conceptualising
Security and Environmental Conflict, Hexagon Series No.1;
Collection STRADEMED No. 16 (Berlin - Heidelberg - New
York: Springer Verlag, 2003), ISBN: 3-540-40107-5, hgb027.
Chalmers, Malcolm; Stevenson, David; Møller,
Bjørn: Alternative Conventional Defense. Structures
for Europe. British and Danish Perspectives (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1992), ISBN 3-926979-20-8, apr022.
Elsenhans, Hartmut: A Balanced European Architecture.
Enlargement of the European Union to Central Europe and
the Mediterranean (Paris: Publisud, 2000), Pub01.
Maurer, Andreas: The Socialist Party of France
and European Security (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1993), ISBN
3-926979-46-1, German, apr021.
Pascallon, Pierre: Which Security for Europe? (Paris:
Publisud, 2000), French Pub04.
Studiengruppe Alternative Sicherheitspolitik: Confidence-building
Defence. Reform of German Security Policy -- Vertrauensbildende
Verteidigung. Reform deutscher Sicherheitspolitik (Gerlingen:
Bleicher-Verlag, 1989), in German, fsu010.
Security Identity
Burgelin, Henri: Europe and Collective Security.
Overcoming the Myths (Paris: Publisud, 2000), French,
Union, Security and Defence Policy
Burgelin, Henri: Europe and Collective Security.
Overcoming the Myths (Paris: Publisud, 2000), French,
Bussiere, Robert: European Security and International
Realities (Paris: Publisud, 1993), French, Pub06.
David, Dominique: East-West 1945-1990 (Paris: Publisud,
1992), French, Pub05.
- Brauch,
Hans Günter: Disarmament Agency or Ministry?
Foreign Models of Disarmament Planning. Materials and
Reform Proposals Frankfurt on Main: Haag + Herchen, 1981),
German, hgb003.
- Brauch,
Hans Günter; Duncan L. Clarke (Eds.): Decisionmaking
for Arms Limitation Assessments and Prospects (Cambridge,
Mass., USA: Ballinger Publishing Company), hgb008.
Policy, by region/country
Aït Amara, Hamit; Gallot. Jean; Mediane, Benamar;
Sindic, Paul: Algeria, Debate on an Issue (Paris:
Publisud, 2000), French, Pub029.
- Ait-Chaalal,
Amine: Algeria, the United States and France: From
Dialogue to Action (Paris: Publisud, 2000), French, Pub027.
States of America
Brauch, Hans Günter: Structural Change and
Armament Policy of the Untied States (1940-1950). America's
World Power Role and its Domestic Preconditions (Ann Arbor
- London: University Microfilms International, 1976),
German, hgb001.
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Missiles are Coming!
From the NATO INF Decision up to Deployment (Köln:
Bund), German, hgb006.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Duncan L. Clarke (Eds.):
Decisionmaking for Arms Limitation Assessments and Prospects
(Cambridge, Mass., USA: Ballinger Publishing Company),
Geissler, Dieter: American-Soviet Relations in
the Bush Administration 1989-1991. Perception, Reaction
or Innovation (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1996), ISBN 3-926979-64-X,
German, apr060.
Kunkel, Christoph M.: American Foreign Policy in
the 1990s. Hegemonial Decline or a New World Power Role
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1994), ISBN 3-926979-52-6, German,
Maurer, Andreas: The Socialist Party of France
and European Security (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1993), ISBN
3-926979-46-1, German, apr021.
Trefz, Dagmar: German-French Defence Cooperation.
Opportunities and Scope for Action (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1989), ISBN 3-926979-15-1, German, apr017..
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Missiles are Coming!
From the NATO INF Decision up to Deployment (Köln:
Bund), German, hgb006.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Security Policy at a
Dead End? Assessment, Perspectives and New Approaches
(Gerlingen: Bleicher), German, hgb009.
Trefz, Dagmar: German-French Defence Cooperation.
Opportunities and Scope for Action (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1989), ISBN 3-926979-15-1, German, apr017..
Geissler, Dieter: American-Soviet Relations in
the Bush Administration 1989-1991. Perception, Reaction
or Innovation (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1996), ISBN 3-926979-64-X,
German, apr060.
Geissler, Dieter: American-Soviet Relations in
the Bush Administration 1989-1991. Perception, Reaction
or Innovation (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1996), ISBN 3-926979-64-X,
German, apr060.
Aït Amara, Hamit; Gallot. Jean; Mediane, Benamar;
Sindic, Paul: Algeria, Debate on an Issue (Paris:
Publisud, 2000), French, Pub029.
Ait-Chaalal, Amine: Algeria, the United States
and France: From Dialogue to Action (Paris: Publisud,
2000), French, Pub027.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Survey of Recent and
On-going Research in the Social and Human Sciences on
Disarmament (Paris: UNESCO, 1988), hgb028.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Liotta, P.H.; Marquina, Antonio;
Rogers, Paul, Selim, Mohammad El-Sayed (Eds.): Security
and Environment in the Mediterranean - Conceptualising
Security and Environmental Conflict, Hexagon Series No.1;
Collection STRADEMED No. 16 (Berlin - Heidelberg - New
York: Springer Verlag, 2003), ISBN: 3-540-40107-5, hgb027.
Marquina, Antonio; Brauch, Hans Günter (Eds.):
Confidence Building and Partnership in the Western Mediterranean
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1994), ISBN 3-926979-54-2, apr051.
and Negotiations
Brauch, Hans Günter; Liotta, P.H.; Marquina, Antonio;
Rogers, Paul, Selim, Mohammad El-Sayed (Eds.): Security
and Environment in the Mediterranean - Conceptualising
Security and Environmental Conflict, Hexagon Series No.1;
Collection STRADEMED No. 16 (Berlin - Heidelberg - New
York: Springer Verlag, 2003), ISBN: 3-540-40107-5, hgb027.
and Proposals by Political Scientists
Brauch, Hans Günter; Liotta, P.H.; Marquina, Antonio;
Rogers, Paul, Selim, Mohammad El-Sayed (Eds.): Security
and Environment in the Mediterranean - Conceptualising
Security and Environmental Conflict, Hexagon Series No.1;
Collection STRADEMED No. 16 (Berlin - Heidelberg - New
York: Springer Verlag, 2003), ISBN: 3-540-40107-5, hgb027.
Groupement d'Études et de Recherches sur la
Mediterranée (GERM): Mediterranean Yearbook
1999 (Rabat: GERM - Paris: Publisud, 2000), French, Pub016.
Groupement d'Études et de Recherches sur la
Mediterranée (GERM). Mediterranean Yearbook
1998 (Rabat: GERM - Paris: Publisud, 1999), French, Pub017.
Groupement d'Études et de Recherches sur la
Mediterranée (GERM). Mediterranean Yearbook
1997 (Rabat: GERM - Paris: Publisud, 1998), French, Pub018.
Kerdoun, Azzouz: Security in the Mediterranean
(Paris: Publisud, 1995), French, Pub011.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Marquina, Antonio; Biad,
Abdelwahab (Eds.): Euro-Mediterranean Partnershipfor
the 21st Century (Houndmills: Macmillan; New York: St.
Martin's Press, 2000; 2nd Edition, Houndmills - New York:
Palgrave-Macmillan, 2001); cst008.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Liotta, P.H.; Marquina, Antonio;
Rogers, Paul, Selim, Mohammad El-Sayed (Eds.): Security
and Environment in the Mediterranean - Conceptualising
Security and Environmental Conflict, Hexagon Series No.1;
Collection STRADEMED No. 16 (Berlin - Heidelberg - New
York: Springer Verlag, 2003), ISBN: 3-540-40107-5, hgb027.
Daguzan, Jean François; Girardet, Raoul :
The Mediterranean. New Challenges, New Risks (Paris: Publisud,
1995), French, Pub012.
Gagliono, Yvette; Mezzanotte, Marie-Rose: Mediterranean:
Integration or Disintegration. Cultural, economic, legal
and political aspects (Paris: Publisud, 1990), French,
Marquina, Antonio; Brauch, Hans Günter (Eds.):
Political Stability and Energy Cooperation in the Mediterranean
(Madrid: UNISCI - Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 2000), cst010.
Marquina, Antonio; Brauch, Hans Günter (Eds.):
The Mediterranean Space and its Borders. Geography, Politics,
Economics and Environment (Madrid: UNISCI - Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
2001), cst014.
Reynaud, Christian; Sid Ahmed, Abdelkader: Future
of the Mediterranean Space (Paris: Publisud, 1991), French,
by country
by issue
Brauch, Hans Günter: Military Doctrine and
Arms Control (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-24-0,
Brauch, Hans Günter; Liotta, P.H.; Marquina, Antonio;
Rogers, Paul, Selim, Mohammad El-Sayed (Eds.): Security
and Environment in the Mediterranean - Conceptualising
Security and Environmental Conflict, Hexagon Series No.1;
Collection STRADEMED No. 16 (Berlin - Heidelberg - New
York: Springer Verlag, 2003), ISBN: 3-540-40107-5, hgb027.
Meijer, Wim K.: Costs of Multinational Verification
Organizations in Europe - NATO, WEU and CSCE (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1992), ISBN 3-926979-47-X) , German, apr019.
Zimmer, Kerstin: Foreign and Security Policy of
Lithuania. Between the dissolution of the Soviet Union
and the Linking Up with the West (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1997), ISBN 3-926979-69-0, German, apr065.
Control and Disarmament
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Chemical Nightmare
Will There be a Chemical War in Europe? (Bonn: Dietz),
German, hgb004.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Poison Gas in the Federal
Republic of Germany. Chemical and Biological Weapons (Frankfurt:
Fischer), German, hgb005.
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Missiles are Coming!
From the NATO INF Decision up to Deployment (Köln:
Bund), German, hgb006.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Duncan L. Clarke (Eds.):
Decisionmaking for Arms Limitation Assessments and Prospects
(Cambridge, Mass., USA: Ballinger Publishing Company),
Brauch, Hans Günter: Security Policy at a
Dead End? Assessment, Perspectives and New Approaches
(Gerlingen: Bleicher), German, hgb009.
Orbons, Sjef: A Classification and Evaluation of
Concepts for the Defense of NATO's Central Sector (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-25-9, apr033.
Studiengruppe Alternative Sicherheitspolitik: Confidence-building
Defence. Reform of German Security Policy -- Vertrauensbildende
Verteidigung. Reform deutscher Sicherheitspolitik (Gerlingen:
Bleicher-Verlag, 1989), in German, fsu010.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Duncan L. Clarke (Eds.):
Decisionmaking for Arms Limitation Assessments and Prospects
(Cambridge, Mass., USA: Ballinger Publishing Company),
Brauch, Hans Günter; Liotta, P.H.; Marquina, Antonio;
Rogers, Paul, Selim, Mohammad El-Sayed (Eds.): Security
and Environment in the Mediterranean - Conceptualising
Security and Environmental Conflict, Hexagon Series No.1;
Collection STRADEMED No. 16 (Berlin - Heidelberg - New
York: Springer Verlag, 2003), ISBN: 3-540-40107-5, hgb027.
Burgelin, Henri: Europe and Collective Security.
Overcoming the Myths (Paris: Publisud, 2000), French,
Bussiere, Robert: European Security and International
Realities (Paris: Publisud, 1993), French, Pub06.
David, Dominique: East-West 1945-1990 (Paris:
Publisud, 1992), French, Pub05.
Marquina, Antonio; Brauch, Hans Günter (Eds.):
Political Stability and Energy Cooperation in the Mediterranean
(Madrid: UNISCI - Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 2000), cst010
Pascallon, Pierre: Which Security for Europe? (Paris:
Publisud, 2000), French, Pub04.
Member countries
Gögele, Markus: Security Stabilisation of
the Baltic States. Cooperation with NATO and the European
Union (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1997), ISBN 3-926979-65-8,
German, apr061.
Gögele, Markus: Security Stabilisation of
the Baltic States. Cooperation with NATO and the European
Union (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1997), ISBN 3-926979-65-8,
German, apr061.
Gögele, Markus: Security Stabilisation of
the Baltic States. Cooperation with NATO and the European
Union (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1997), ISBN 3-926979-65-8,
German, apr061.
Grin, John: Communication System of NATO's Land
Forces (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1990), ISBN 3-926979-22-4,
Brauch, Hans Günter (Ed.): Confidence-Building,
Verification and Conversion (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1993),
ISBN 3-926979-51-8, apr039.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Structural Change and
Armament Policy of the Untied States (1940-1950). America's
World Power Role and its Domestic Preconditions (Ann Arbor
- London: University Microfilms International, 1976),
German, hgb001.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Developments and Results
of Peace Research (1969-1978). An Interim Assessment and
Detailed Proposals for the Second Decade (Frankfurt on
Main: Haag + Herchen, 1979), German, hgb002.
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Missiles are Coming!
From the NATO INF Decision up to Deployment (Köln:
Bund, 1983), German, hgb006.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Security Policy at a
Dead End? Assessment, Perspectives and New Approaches
(Gerlingen: Bleicher, 1984), German, hgb009.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Nuclear Weapons and Arms
Control. An interdisciplinary study book (Opladen: Westdeutscher
Verlag, 1984), German, hgb010.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Survey of Recent and
On-going Research in the Social and Human Sciences on
Disarmament (Paris: UNESCO, 1988), hgb028.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Military Technology,
Armaments Dynamics and Disarmament. ABC Weapons, Military
use of Nuclear Energy and of Outer Space and Implications
for International Law (London: Macmillan Press - New York:
St. Martin's Press, 1989), hgb015.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Graaf, Henny J. van der;
Grin, John; Smit, Wim A. (Eds.): Controlling the Development
and Spread of Military Technology. Lessons from the Past
and Challenges for the 1990s (Amsterdam: VU University
Press, 1992), hgb020.
Brauch, Hans Günter (Ed.): Controlling Military
Research, Development and Exports of Dual Use Technologies
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1992), ISBN 3-926979-44-5, apr045.
Kang, Chong-Sook: China in arms -- China in Waffen
(Frankfurt on Main: Haag + Herchen, 1979), German, ibhh02.
Rotblat, Joseph: Nuclear Radiation in Warfare.
A SIPRI Publication - Strahlungswirkungen beim Einsatz
von Kernwaffen. Eine SIPRI Publikation (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag
Arno Spitz, 1986, 2nd Ed. 1996), in German, fsu004.
formerly CSCE
Meijer, Wim K.: Costs of Multinational Verification
Organizations in Europe - NATO, WEU and CSCE (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1992), ISBN 3-926979-47-X) , German, apr019.
of weapons
Brauch, Hans Günter: Structural Change and
Armament Policy of the Untied States (1940-1950). America's
World Power Role and its Domestic Preconditions (Ann Arbor
- London: University Microfilms International, 1976),
German, hgb001.
Brauch, Hans Günter¸ Graaf, Henk van de;
Grin, John; Smit, Wim: Military Defence Impact Assessment
and Preventive Arms Control. Institutions, Procedures
and Instruments, Peace, Security, Environment, Climate
and Energy, No. 11 (Münster: Lit-Verlag, 1997), ISBN
3-926979-65-8, German hgb024; also: fsu011.
Bullens, Hendrik (Ed.): Arms Industry at the Crossroads:
Conversion, Restructering and Arms Trade in Europe - IPRA
Security and Disarmament Commission Paper 8 (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1967), ISBN 3-926979-67-4, German, apr062.
Bullens, Hendrik; Tachibana, Seiitsu with the assistance
of Reynolds, Wayne (Eds.): Restructuring Security
Concepts, Postures and Industrial Base - IPRA Security
and Disarmament Commission Paper 9 (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1997), ISBN 3-926979-68-2, German, apr063.
and development
Brauch, Hans Günter: Structural Change and
Armament Policy of the Untied States (1940-1950). America's
World Power Role and its Domestic Preconditions (Ann Arbor
- London: University Microfilms International, 1976),
German, hgb001.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Disarmament Agency or
Ministry? Foreign Models of Disarmament Planning. Materials
and Reform Proposals Frankfurt on Main: Haag + Herchen,
1981), German, hgb003.
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Chemical Nightmare
Will There be a Chemical War in Europe? (Bonn: Dietz,
1982), German, hgb004.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Poison Gas in the Federal
Republic of Germany. Chemical and Biological Weapons (Frankfurt:
Fischer, 1982), German, hgb005.
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Missiles are Coming!
From the NATO INF Decision up to Deployment (Köln:
Bund, 1983), German, hgb006.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Duncan L. Clarke (Eds.):
Decisionmaking for Arms Limitation Assessments and Prospects
(Cambridge, Mass., USA: Ballinger Publishing Company,
1983), hgb008.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Security Policy at a
Dead End? Assessment, Perspectives and New Approaches
(Gerlingen: Bleicher, 1984), German, hgb009.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Nuclear Weapons and Arms
Control. An interdisciplinary study book (Opladen: Westdeutscher
Verlag, 1984), German, hgb010.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Rolf-Dieter Müller (Eds.):
Chemical Warfare - Chemical Disarmament. Documents and
Comments (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag A.Spitz, 1984), German,
Brauch, Hans Günter: 30 Hypotheses and 10
Assessments on the Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI)
and on a European Defence Initiative (EVI) (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1986, 1988), apr002.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Antitactical Missile
Defense. Will the European Version of SDI Undermine the
ABM Treaty? (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1986, 1988), ISBN 3-926979-01-1,
Brauch, Hans Günter: Star Wars and European
Defence. Implications for Europe: Perceptions and Assessments
(London: Macmillan Press - New York: St. Martin's Press,
1987), hgb013.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Fischbach, Rainer: Military
Use of Outer Space. A Research Bibliography (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1987), German, apr004.
Brauch, Hans Günter: European Defence Initiative
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1988) ISBN 3-926979-02-X, apr003.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Rainer Fischbach: Military
Use of Outer Space. A Bibliography (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag
A.Spitz, 1988), German, hgb014.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Military Technology,
Armaments Dynamics and Disarmament. ABC Weapons, Military
use of Nuclear Energy and of Outer Space and Implications
for International Law (London: Macmillan Press - New York:
St. Martin's Press, 1989), hgb015.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Graaf, Henny J. van der;
Grin, John; Smit, Wim A. (Eds.): Controlling the Development
and Spread of Military Technology. Lessons from the Past
and Challenges for the 1990s (Amsterdam: VU University
Press, 1992), hgb020.
Brauch, Hans Günter (Ed.): Controlling Military
Research, Development and Exports of Dual Use Technologies
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1992), ISBN 3-926979-44-5, apr045.
Brauch, Hans Günter (Ed.): Confidence-Building,
Verification and Conversion (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1993),
ISBN 3-926979-51-8, apr039.
Brauch, Hans Günter¸ Graaf, Henk van de;
Grin, John; Smit, Wim: Military Defence Impact Assessment
and Preventive Arms Control. Institutions, Procedures
and Instruments, Peace, Security, Environment, Climate
and Energy, No. 11 (Münster: Lit-Verlag, 1997), ISBN
3-926979-65-8, German hgb024; also: fsu011.
Geugis, Martin: Weapons Technology and the Concept
of Strategic Stability. A study on US Strategic C3I-Systems
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-07-0, German,
Mesjasz, Czeslaw (Ed.): Security and Disarmanent
in North-East-Asia - IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study
Group Paper 6 (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1993), ISBN 3-926979-50-X,
Nicolay, Frank: SDI - Missile Defence Systems (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-08-9, apr011:.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Liotta, P.H.; Marquina, Antonio;
Rogers, Paul, Selim, Mohammad El-Sayed (Eds.): Security
and Environment in the Mediterranean - Conceptualising
Security and Environmental Conflict, Hexagon Series No.1;
Collection STRADEMED No. 16 (Berlin - Heidelberg - New
York: Springer Verlag, 2003), ISBN: 3-540-40107-5, hgb027.
Bullens, Hendrik; Tachibana, Seiitsu with the assistance
of Reynolds, Wayne (Eds.): Restructuring Security
Concepts, Postures and Industrial Base - IPRA Security
and Disarmament Commission Paper 9 (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1997), ISBN 3-926979-68-2, German, apr063.
Studiengruppe Alternative Sicherheitspolitik: Confidence-building
Defence. Reform of German Security Policy -- Vertrauensbildende
Verteidigung. Reform deutscher Sicherheitspolitik (Gerlingen:
Bleicher-Verlag, 1989), in German, fsu010.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Liotta, P.H.; Marquina, Antonio;
Rogers, Paul, Selim, Mohammad El-Sayed (Eds.): Security
and Environment in the Mediterranean - Conceptualising
Security and Environmental Conflict, Hexagon Series No.1;
Collection STRADEMED No. 16 (Berlin - Heidelberg - New
York: Springer Verlag, 2003), ISBN: 3-540-40107-5, hgb027.
Daguzan, Jean Francois: The Last Wall? Armed Forces
and Defence in the Mghreb - Le dernier rempart? Forces
armées et politiques de défense au Maghreb
(Paris: Publisud, 1998), French, cst005.
FMES - UNISCI - CREST: The Emerging Mediterranean
Pact Méditerranée Le pacte à construire
(Paris: Publisud, 1997), French, cst003.
Safar, Ismaïl: The World Order and the Arab
World at the Turn of the Millennium (Paris: Publisud,
1999), French, Pub020.
Order of Peace and Security
Brauch, Hans Günter: Perspectives of a European
Peace Order (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag A.Spitz), German, hgb007.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Marquina, Antonio; Biad,
Abdelwahab (Eds.): Euro-Mediterranean Partnershipfor
the 21st Century (Houndmills: Macmillan; New York: St.
Martin's Press, 2000; 2nd Edition, Houndmills - New York:
Palgrave-Macmillan, 2001); cst008.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Liotta, P.H.; Marquina, Antonio;
Rogers, Paul, Selim, Mohammad El-Sayed (Eds.): Security
and Environment in the Mediterranean - Conceptualising
Security and Environmental Conflict, Hexagon Series No.1;
Collection STRADEMED No. 16 (Berlin - Heidelberg - New
York: Springer Verlag, 2003), ISBN: 3-540-40107-5, hgb027.
With IAI : Tomorrow the Mediterranean - Demain
la Méditerranée. La parole est aux riverains
du Sud (Paris: Publisud, 1995), French, cst002.
Marquina, Antonio; Brauch, Hans Günter (Eds.):
Political Stability and Energy Cooperation in the Mediterranean
(Madrid: UNISCI - Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 2000), cst010.
Mesjasz, Czeslaw (Ed.): Security Challenges after
the Cold War - IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study Group
Paper 5 (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1993), ISBN 3-926979-49-6,
Møller, Bjørn: European Security
Structures for the Nineties and Beyond - A Nordic Perspective
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1991), ISBN 3-926979-33-X, apr040.
Studiengruppe Alternative Sicherheitspolitik: Confidence-building
Defence. Reform of German Security Policy -- Vertrauensbildende
Verteidigung. Reform deutscher Sicherheitspolitik (Gerlingen:
Bleicher-Verlag, 1989), in German, fsu010.
Security Order
Brauch, Hans Günter; Marquina, Antonio; Biad,
Abdelwahab (Eds.): Euro-Mediterranean Partnershipfor
the 21st Century (Houndmills: Macmillan; New York: St.
Martin's Press, 2000; 2nd Edition, Houndmills - New York:
Palgrave-Macmillan, 2001); cst008.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Liotta, P.H.; Marquina, Antonio;
Rogers, Paul, Selim, Mohammad El-Sayed (Eds.): Security
and Environment in the Mediterranean - Conceptualising
Security and Environmental Conflict, Hexagon Series No.1;
Collection STRADEMED No. 16 (Berlin - Heidelberg - New
York: Springer Verlag, 2003), ISBN: 3-540-40107-5, hgb027.
FMES, IHEDN: The occidental Mediterranean: What
strategy for the future? - La Méditerranée
occidentale: Quelles stratégies pour l'avenir?
(Paris: Publisud, 1994), French, cst001.
FMES - IAI : Tomorrow the Mediterranean - Demain
la Méditerranée. La parole est aux riverains
du Sud (Paris: Publisud, 1995), French, cst002.
FMES - UNISCI - CREST: The Emerging Mediterranean
Pact Méditerranée Le pacte à construire
(Paris: Publisud, 1997), French, cst003.
FMES: Mediterranean: A Space for Cooperation. Activities
of the States at Sea - Méditerranée, un
domaine de coopération: L'action des Etats en mer.
Colloque de Toulon des 2 et 3 Avril 1998 (Toulon: Addim,
1999), cst009.
FMES: Euro-Mediterranean. A first assessment of
the Partnership - Euro-Méditerranée. 1995-1999.
Premier Bilan du Partenariat (Toulon: FMES, 2001), French,
Marquina, Antonio; Brauch, Hans Günter (Eds.):
Confidence Building and Partnership in the Western Mediterranean
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1994), ISBN 3-926979-54-2, apr051.
Marquina, Antonio; Brauch, Hans Günter (Eds.):
The Mediterranean Space and its Borders. Geography, Politics,
Economics and Environment (Madrid: UNISCI - Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
2001), cst014.
Marquina, Antonio; Brauch, Hans Günter (Eds.):
Political Stability and Energy Cooperation in the Mediterranean
(Madrid: UNISCI - Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 2000), cst010.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Liotta, P.H.; Marquina, Antonio;
Rogers, Paul, Selim, Mohammad El-Sayed (Eds.): Security
and Environment in the Mediterranean - Conceptualising
Security and Environmental Conflict, Hexagon Series No.1;
Collection STRADEMED No. 16 (Berlin - Heidelberg - New
York: Springer Verlag, 2003), ISBN: 3-540-40107-5, hgb027.
Mesjasz, Czeslaw (Ed.): Security Challenges after
the Cold War - IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study Group
Paper 5 4 (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1993), ISBN 3-926979-49-6,
Safar, Ismaïl: The World Order and the Arab
World at the Turn of the Millennium (Paris: Publisud,
1999), French, Pub020.
weapons and warfare
Brauch, Hans Günter: Attack from Space. Arms
Competition in Outer Space (Bonn: Dietz, 1984), German,
Brauch, Hans Günter: 30 Hypotheses and 10
Assessments on the Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI)
and on a European Defence Initiative (EVI) (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1986, 1988), apr002.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Antitactical Missile
Defense. Will the European Version of SDI Undermine the
ABM Treaty? (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1986, 1988), ISBN 3-926979-01-1,
Brauch, Hans Günter: Star Wars and European
Defence. Implications for Europe: Perceptions and Assessments
(London: Macmillan Press - New York: St. Martin's Press,
1987), hgb013.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Fischbach, Rainer: Military
Use of Outer Space. A Research Bibliography (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1987), German, apr004.
Brauch, Hans Günter: European Defence Initiative
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1988) ISBN 3-926979-02-X, apr003.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Rainer Fischbach: Military
Use of Outer Space. A Bibliography (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag
A.Spitz, 1988), German, hgb014.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Military Technology,
Armaments Dynamics and Disarmament. ABC Weapons, Military
use of Nuclear Energy and of Outer Space and Implications
for International Law (London: Macmillan Press - New York:
St. Martin's Press, 1989), hgb015.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Graaf, Henny J. van der;
Grin, John; Smit, Wim A. (Eds.): Controlling the Development
and Spread of Military Technology. Lessons from the Past
and Challenges for the 1990s (Amsterdam: VU University
Press, 1992), hgb020.
Brauch, Hans Günter (Ed.): Controlling Military
Research, Development and Exports of Dual Use Technologies
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1992), ISBN 3-926979-44-5, apr045.
Bulkeley, Rip; Brauch, H.G.: The ABM Treaty (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1988), ISBN 3-926979-00-3), apr014.
Geugis, Martin: Weapons Technology and the Concept
of Strategic Stability. A study on US Strategic C3I-Systems
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-07-0, German,
Nicolay, Frank: SDI - Missile Defence Systems (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-08-9, apr011:.
Rosenschild, Ilse: Antisatellite Weapons and Arms
Control (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-06-2,
German, apr009.
Studiengruppe Alternative Sicherheitspolitik: Confidence-building
Defence. Reform of German Security Policy -- Vertrauensbildende
Verteidigung. Reform deutscher Sicherheitspolitik (Gerlingen:
Bleicher-Verlag, 1989), in German, fsu010.
Studiengruppe Alternative Sicherheitspolitik: Confidence-building
Defence. Reform of German Security Policy -- Vertrauensbildende
Verteidigung. Reform deutscher Sicherheitspolitik (Gerlingen:
Bleicher-Verlag, 1989), in German, fsu010.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Nuclear Weapons and Arms
Control. An interdisciplinary study book (Opladen: Westdeutscher
Verlag), German, hgb010.
Catudal, Honoré M.: Soviet Nuclear Strategy
from Stalin to Gorbachev. A Revolution in Soviet Military
and Political Thinking. With a preface by Ambassador Martin
J. Hillenbrand (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag Arno Spitz, 1988),
Catudal, Honoré M.: Nuclear Deterrence -
Does it Deter? With a preface by Ambassador Martin J.
Hillenbrand (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag Arno Spitz, 1985),
Hannig, Norbert: Defending without Threatening.
The DEWA Concept as a Substitute for NATO-FOFA (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1987), ISBN 3-926979-03-8, German, apr005.
Hannig, Norbert: Deterrence without Conventional
Weapons. The David-Goliath-Principle Abschreckung ohne
konventionelle Waffen. Das David-Goliath-Prinzip (Berlin:
Berlin-Verlag Arno Spitz, 1984), in German, fsu002.
Brauch, H.G. (Ed.): Military Doctrine and Arms
Control (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-24-0,
Brauch, Hans Günter; Robert Kennedy: Alternative
Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater.
Volume 1: The Military Balance and Domestic Constraints
(New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London, 1990),
Brauch, Hans Günter; Robert Kennedy: Alternative
Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater.
Volume 2: The Impact of Political Change on Strategy,
Technology, and Arms Control (New York - Bristol, PA -
Washington, DC, London, 1992), hgb017.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Robert Kennedy: Alternative
Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater.
Volume 3: Force Posture Alternatives for Europe After
the Cold War (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC,
London, 1993), hgb018.
Hannig, Norbert: Defending without Threatening.
The DEWA Concept as a Substitute for NATO-FOFA (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1987), ISBN 3-926979-03-8, German, apr005.
Studiengruppe Alternative Sicherheitspolitik: Confidence-building
Defence. Reform of German Security Policy -- Vertrauensbildende
Verteidigung. Reform deutscher Sicherheitspolitik (Gerlingen:
Bleicher-Verlag, 1989), in German, fsu010.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Nuclear Weapons and Arms
Control. An interdisciplinary study book (Opladen: Westdeutscher
Verlag), German, hgb010.
of mass destruction
Brauch, Hans Günter: Structural Change and
Armament Policy of the Untied States (1940-1950). America's
World Power Role and its Domestic Preconditions (Ann Arbor
- London: University Microfilms International, 1976),
German, hgb001.
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Chemical Nightmare
Will There be a Chemical War in Europe? (Bonn: Dietz,
1982), German, hgb004.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Poison Gas in the Federal
Republic of Germany. Chemical and Biological Weapons (Frankfurt:
Fischer, 1982), German, hgb005.
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Missiles are Coming!
From the NATO INF Decision up to Deployment (Köln:
Bund, 1983), German, hgb006.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Duncan L. Clarke (Eds.):
Decisionmaking for Arms Limitation Assessments and Prospects
(Cambridge, Mass., USA: Ballinger Publishing Company,
1983), hgb008.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Security Policy at a
Dead End? Assessment, Perspectives and New Approaches
(Gerlingen: Bleicher, 1984), German, hgb009.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Nuclear Weapons and Arms
Control. An interdisciplinary study book (Opladen: Westdeutscher
Verlag, 1984), German, hgb010.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Survey of Recent and
On-going Research in the Social and Human Sciences on
Disarmament (Paris: UNESCO, 1988), hgb028.
Kang, Chong-Sook: China in arms -- China in Waffen
(Frankfurt on Main: Haag + Herchen, 1979), German, ibhh02.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Poison Gas in the Federal
Republic of Germany. Chemical and Biological Weapons (Frankfurt:
Fischer), German, hgb005.
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Missiles are Coming!
From the NATO INF Decision up to Deployment (Köln:
Bund), German, hgb006.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Security Policy at a
Dead End? Assessment, Perspectives and New Approaches
(Gerlingen: Bleicher), German, hgb009.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Nuclear Weapons and Arms
Control. An interdisciplinary study book (Opladen: Westdeutscher
Verlag), German, hgb010.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Rolf-Dieter Müller (Eds.):
Chemical Warfare - Chemical Disarmament. Documents and
Comments (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag A.Spitz), German, hgb012.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Star Wars and European
Defence. Implications for Europe: Perceptions and Assessments
(London: Macmillan Press - New York: St. Martin's Press,
1987), hgb013.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Rainer Fischbach: Military
Use of Outer Space. A Bibliography (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag
A.Spitz, 1988), German, hgb014.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Military Technology,
Armaments Dynamics and Disarmament. ABC Weapons, Military
use of Nuclear Energy and of Outer Space and Implications
for International Law (London: Macmillan Press - New York:
St. Martin's Press, 1989), hgb015.
Brauch, Hans Günter (Ed.): Weapons Technology,
Disarmament and Verification - IPRA Defense and Disarmament
Study Group Paper 1 (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1991),ISBN 3-926979-36-4),
Brauch, Hans Günter (Ed.): Confidence-Building,
Verification and Conversion (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1993),
ISBN 3-926979-51-8, apr039.
Brauch, Hans Günter¸ Graaf, Henk van de;
Grin, John; Smit, Wim: Military Defence Impact Assessment
and Preventive Arms Control. Institutions, Procedures
and Instruments, Peace, Security, Environment, Climate
and Energy, No. 11 (Münster: Lit-Verlag, 1997), ISBN
3-926979-65-8, German hgb024; also: fsu011.
Bullens, Hendrik (Ed.): Arms Industry at the Crossroads:
Conversion, Restructering and Arms Trade in Europe - IPRA
Security and Disarmament Commission Paper 8 (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1967), ISBN 3-926979-67-4, German, apr062.
Bullens, Hendrik; Tachibana, Seiitsu with the assistance
of Reynolds, Wayne (Eds.): Restructuring Security
Concepts, Postures and Industrial Base - IPRA Security
and Disarmament Commission Paper 9 (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1997), ISBN 3-926979-68-2, German, apr063.
Geugis, Martin: Weapons Technology and the Concept
of Strategic Stability. A study on US Strategic C3I-Systems
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-07-0, German,
Grin, John: Communication System of NATO's Land
Forces (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1990), ISBN 3-926979-22-4,
Mesjasz, Czeslaw (Ed.): Security and Disarmanent
in North-East-Asia - IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study
Group Paper 6 (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1993),ISBN 3-926979-50-X,
Nicolay, Frank: SDI - Missile Defence Systems (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-08-9, apr011:.
Rosenschild, Ilse: Antisatellite Weapons and Arms
Control (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-06-2,
German, apr009.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Graaf, Henny J. van der;
Grin, John; Smit, Wim A. (Eds.): Controlling the Development
and Spread of Military Technology. Lessons from the Past
and Challenges for the 1990s (Amsterdam: VU University
Press, 1992), hgb020.
Brauch, Hans Günter (Ed.): Controlling Military
Research, Development and Exports of Dual Use Technologies
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1992), ISBN 3-926979-44-5, apr045.
European Union (WEU)
Brauch, Hans Günter; Liotta, P.H.; Marquina, Antonio;
Rogers, Paul, Selim, Mohammad El-Sayed (Eds.): Security
and Environment in the Mediterranean - Conceptualising
Security and Environmental Conflict, Hexagon Series No.1;
Collection STRADEMED No. 16 (Berlin - Heidelberg - New
York: Springer Verlag, 2003), ISBN: 3-540-40107-5, hgb027.
Bussiere, Robert:
European Security and International Realities (Paris:
Publisud, 1993), French, Pub006.
David, Dominique: East-West 1945-1990 (Paris: Publisud,
1992), French, Pub005.
Pascallon, Pierre: Which Security for Europe? (Paris:
Publisud, 2000), French Pub004.
Wim K.: Costs of Multinational Verification Organizations
in Europe - NATO, WEU and CSCE (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1992),
ISBN 3-926979-47-X) , German, apr019.