and Barbuda
Brauch, Hans Günter: Climate Policy of Threshold
States: South Korea, Mexico, Brazil. AFES-PRESS Study
for the Federal Environment Agency (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1998), ISBN 3-926979-70-4, German, apr066
Brauch, Hans Günter: "Climate Change,
Environmental Stress and Conflict - AFES-PRESS Report
for the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation
and Nuclear Safety", in: Federal Ministry for the
Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (Ed.):
Climate Change and Conflict. Cam climate change impacts
increase conflict potentials? What is the relevance of
this issue for the international process on climate change?
(Berlin: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature
Conservation and Nuclear Safety, 2002): 9-112, hgb029.
Brauch, Hans Günter: "Klimawandel, Umweltstress
und Konflikt - AFES-PRESS Studie für das Bundesministerium
für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit",
in: BMU (Ed.): Klimawandel und Konflikte. Verursacht der
Klimawandel Konfliktpotenziale? Wie kann der internationale
Klimaschutzprozess hierauf reagieren? (Berlin: Bundesministerium
für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, 2002):
11-110, hgb030.
States of America
Ait-Chaalal, Amine: Algeria, the United States
and France: From Dialogue to Action (Paris: Publisud,
2000), French, Pub027.
Armbrust, Rolf: Antisubmarine Warfare and Strategic
Stability (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-05-4,
German, apr008.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Structural Change and
Armament Policy of the Untied States (1940-1950). America's
World Power Role and its Domestic Preconditions (Ann Arbor
- London: University Microfilms International, 1976),
German, hgb001.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Disarmament Agency or
Ministry? Foreign Models of Disarmament Planning. Materials
and Reform Proposals Frankfurt on Main: Haag + Herchen,
1981), German, hgb003.
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Chemical Nightmare
Will There be a Chemical War in Europe? (Bonn: Dietz,1982),
German, hgb004.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Poison Gas in the Federal
Republic of Germany. Chemical and Biological Weapons (Frankfurt:
Fischer, 1982), German, hgb005.
Brauch, Hans Günter: The Missiles are Coming!
From the NATO INF Decision up to Deployment (Köln:
Bund, 1983), German, hgb006.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Duncan L. Clarke (Eds.):
Decisionmaking for Arms Limitation Assessments and Prospects
(Cambridge, Mass., USA: Ballinger Publishing Company,
1983), hgb008.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Nuclear Weapons and Arms
Control. An interdisciplinary study book (Opladen: Westdeutscher
Verlag, 1984), German, hgb010.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Attack from Space. Arms
Competition in Outer Space (Bonn: Dietz, 1984), German,
Brauch, Hans Günter; Rolf-Dieter Müller (Eds.):
Chemical Warfare - Chemical Disarmament. Documents and
Comments (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag A.Spitz, 1984), German,
Brauch, Hans Günter: 30 Hypotheses and 10
Assessments on the Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI)
and on a European Defence Initiative (EVI) (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1986, 1988), apr002.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Antitactical Missile
Defense. Will the European Version of SDI Undermine the
ABM Treaty? (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1986, 1988), ISBN 3-926979-01-1,
Brauch, Hans Günter: Star Wars and European
Defence. Implications for Europe: Perceptions and Assessments
(London: Macmillan Press - New York: St. Martin's Press,
1987), hgb013.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Fischbach, Rainer: Military
Use of Outer Space. A Research Bibliography (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1987), German, apr004.
Brauch, Hans Günter: European Defence Initiative
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1988) ISBN 3-926979-02-X, apr003.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Rainer Fischbach: Military
Use of Outer Space. A Bibliography (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag
A.Spitz, 1988), German, hgb014.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Military Technology,
Armaments Dynamics and Disarmament. ABC Weapons, Military
use of Nuclear Energy and of Outer Space and Implications
for International Law (London: Macmillan Press - New York:
St. Martin's Press, 1989), hgb015.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Robert Kennedy: Alternative
Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater.
Volume 1: The Military Balance and Domestic Constraints
(New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London, 1990),
Brauch, Hans Günter; Robert Kennedy: Alternative
Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater.
Volume 2: The Impact of Political Change on Strategy,
Technology, and Arms Control (New York - Bristol, PA -
Washington, DC, London, 1992), hgb017.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Robert Kennedy: Alternative
Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater.
Volume 3: Force Posture Alternatives for Europe After
the Cold War (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC,
London, 1993), hgb018.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Energy Policy Technical
Development, Political Strategies, Concepts for Action
on Renewables and on Rational Energy Use (Berlin-Heidelberg,
Springer, 1996), ISBN 3-540-61759-0, German, hgb023.
Brauch, Hans Günter¸ Graaf, Henk van de;
Grin, John; Smit, Wim: Military Defence Impact Assessment
and Preventive Arms Control. Institutions, Procedures
and Instruments, Peace, Security, Environment, Climate
and Energy, No. 11 (Münster: Lit-Verlag, 1997), ISBN
3-926979-65-8, German hgb024;
also: fsu011.
Brauch, Hans Günter; Liotta, P.H.; Marquina, Antonio;
Rogers, Paul, Selim, Mohammad El-Sayed (Eds.): Security
and Environment in the Mediterranean - Conceptualising
Security and Environmental Conflict, Hexagon Series No.1;
Collection STRADEMED No. 16 (Berlin - Heidelberg - New
York: Springer Verlag, 2003), ISBN: 3-540-40107-5, hgb027.
Bulkeley, Rip; Brauch, H.G.: The ABM Treaty (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1988), ISBN 3-926979-00-3), apr014.
Burgelin, Henri: Europe and Collective Security.
Overcoming the Myths (Paris: Publisud, 2000), French,
Catudal, Honoré M.: Soviet Nuclear Strategy
from Stalin to Gorbachev. A Revolution in Soviet Military
and Political Thinking. With a preface by Ambassador Martin
J. Hillenbrand (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag Arno Spitz, 1988),
Catudal, Honoré M.: Nuclear Deterrence -
Does it Deter? With a preface by Ambassador Martin J.
Hillenbrand (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag Arno Spitz, 1985),
Dobler, Wolfgang: Foreign Policy and Public Opinion.
Determinants and Political Impacts of Foreign Policy Attitudes
in the USA and in the Federal Republic of Germany -- Außenpolitik
und Öffentliche Meinung (Frankfurt on Main: Haag
+ Herchen, 1989), German, ibhh07.
Feste, Karen (Ed.): Regional Security Issues -
IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study Group Paper 4 (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1991), ISBN 3-926979-39-9, apr044.
Geissler, Dieter: American-Soviet Relations in
the Bush Administration 1989-1991. Perception, Reaction
or Innovation (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1996), ISBN 3-926979-64-X,
German, apr060.
Geugis, Martin: Weapons Technology and the Concept
of Strategic Stability. A study on US Strategic C3I-Systems
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-07-0, German,
Krell, Gert: SALT II Debate in the U.S. Senate.
Analysis and Documentation -- Die SALT II-Debatte im amerikanischen
Senat. Analyse und Dokumentation (Frankfurt on Main: Haag
+ Herchen, 1982), German, tac003.
Kubbig, Bernd W.: Nuclear energy and nuclear weapons:
Strategies for containing nuclear proliferation - Analysis
and Documentation -- Kernenergie und Kernwaffen: Strategien
zur Eindämmung nuklearer Proliferation - Analyse
und Dokumentation (Frankfurt on Main: Haag + Herchen,
1981), German¸ tac002.
Kubbig, Bernd W.: Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Proliferation.
Domestic Controversy on Principles of US-Nonproliferation
Policy 1974-1980 -- Nuklearenergie und nukleare Proliferation
-(Frankfurt on Main: Haag + Herchen, 1981), German, ibhh04.
Kunkel, Christoph M.: American Foreign Policy in
the 1990s. Hegemonial Decline or a New World Power Role
(Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1994), ISBN 3-926979-52-6, German,
Maurer, Thilo: The Environmental Foreign Policy
of the USA. Frameworks, Developments, Approaches (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1995), ISBN 3-926979-60-7, German, apr056
Mechler, Jürgen: The American Binary Weapon
Programme Chemical Weapons: Technology and Politics (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1994), ISBN 3-926979-56-9, German, apr052.
Mesjasz, Czeslaw (Ed.): Security and Disarmanent
in North-East-Asia - IPRA Defense and Disarmament Study
Group Paper 6 (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1993),ISBN 3-926979-50-X,
Nicolay, Frank: SDI - Missile Defence Systems (Mosbach:
AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-08-9, apr011:.
Rosenschild, Ilse: Antisatellite Weapons and Arms
Control (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1989), ISBN 3-926979-06-2,
German, apr009.
Studiengruppe Alternative Sicherheitspolitik: Confidence-building
Defence. Reform of German Security Policy -- Vertrauensbildende
Verteidigung. Reform deutscher Sicherheitspolitik (Gerlingen:
Bleicher-Verlag, 1989), in German, fsu010.
Weißgerber, Marc: Withdrawal of American
Troops from Rhineland -Palatinate. Problems of a Regional
Conversion (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS, 1991), ISBN 3-926979-35-6,
German, apr006.
Zimmer, Kerstin: Foreign and Security Policy of
Lithuania. Between the dissolution of the Soviet Union
and the Linking Up with the West (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1997), ISBN 3-926979-69-0, German, apr065.
Brauch, Hans Günter: Climate Policy of Threshold
States: South Korea, Mexico, Brazil. AFES-PRESS Study
for the Federal Environment Agency (Mosbach: AFES-PRESS,
1998), ISBN 3-926979-70-4, German, apr066
Schütt, Kurt-Peter: External dependence and
peripheral development in Latin America - A study on the
development of Colombia from the colonial period to 1930-
Externe Abhängigkeit und periphere Entwicklung in
Lateinamerika (Frankfurt on Main: Haag + Herchen, 1980),
German, ibhh03.
Hofmann, Michael: Peru's external relations during
military rule -- Perus Außenbeziehungen unter der
Militärregierung (Frankfurt on Main: Haag + Herchen,
1978), German, ibhh01.