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Books by Hans Günter Brauch, Germany (hgb)

All books may be purchased at the AFES-PRESS bookstore

All book titles listed below have been translated into English.
The language of the book is referred to separately if other than English.


Structural Change and Armament Policy of the Untied States (1940-1950). America's World Power Role and its Domestic Preconditions (Ann Arbor - London: University Microfilms International, 1976), German.


Developments and Results of Peace Research (1969-1978). An Interim Assessment and Detailed Proposals for the Second Decade (Frankfurt on Main: Haag + Herchen, 1979), German.


Disarmament Agency or Ministry? Foreign Models of Disarmament Planning. Mate-rials and Reform Proposals Frankfurt on Main: Haag + Herchen, 1981), German.


The Chemical Nightmare Will There be a Chemical War in Europe? (Bonn: Dietz, 1982), German.


With Alfred Schrempf: Poison Gas in the Federal Republic of Germany. Chemical and Biological Weapons (Frankfurt: Fischer, 1982), German.


The Missiles are Coming! From the NATO INF Decision up to Deployment (Köln: Bund, 1983), German.


Perspectives of a European Peace Order (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag A.Spitz, 1983), German.


With Duncan L. Clarke: Decisionmaking for Arms Limitation Assessments and Prospects (Cambridge, Mass., USA: Ballinger Publishing Company, 1983).


Security Policy at a Dead End? Assessment, Perspectives and New Approaches (Gerlingen: Bleicher, 1984), German.


Nuclear Weapons and Arms Control. An interdisciplinary study book (Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1984), German.


Attack from Space. Arms Competition in Outer Space (Bonn: Dietz, 1984), German.


With Rolf-Dieter Müller: Chemical Warfare - Chemical Disarmament. Documents and Comments (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag A.Spitz, 1985), German.


Star Wars and European Defence. Implications for Europe: Perceptions and Assessments (London: Macmillan Press - New York: St. Martin's Press, 1987).


With Rainer Fischbach: Military Use of Outer Space. A Bibliography (Berlin: Berlin-Verlag A.Spitz, 1988), German.


Military Technology, Armaments Dynamics and Disarmament. ABC Weapons, Military use of Nuclear Energy and of Outer Space and Implications for International Law (London: Macmillan Press - New York: St. Martin's Press, 1989).


With Robert Kennedy: Alternative Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater. Volume 1: The Military Balance and Domestic Constraints (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London, 1990).


With Robert Kennedy: Alternative Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater. Volume 2: The Impact of Political Change on Strategy, Technology, and Arms Control (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London, 1992).


With Robert Kennedy: Alternative Conventional Defense. Postures in the European Theater. Volume 3: Force Posture Alternatives for Europe After the Cold War (New York - Bristol, PA - Washington, DC, London, 1993).


Brauch, Hans Günter (Ed.): Confidence Building Measures and European Disarmament Conference Analyses, Documents and Proposals (Gerlingen: Bleicher, 1986), ISBN 3-88350-270-7, German.


With Graaf, Henny J. van der; Grin, John; Smit, Wim A. (Eds.): Controlling the Development and Spread of Military Technology. Lessons from the Past and Challenges for the 1990s (Amsterdam: VU University Press, 1992).


Climate Policy. Scientific Foundations, international Regime Formation and Con, Economic Analyses as well as National Problem Recognition and Policy Implementation (Berlin-Heidelberg, Springer, 1996), ISBN 3-540-60513-4, German.


Energy Policy in North Africa (1950-2050). From Hydrocarbons to Renewables (Madrid: UNISCI, 1997), ISBN 84-920440-6-3.


Energy Policy Technical Development, Political Strategies, Concepts for Action on Renewables and on Rational Energy Use (Berlin-Heidelberg, Springer, 1997), ISBN 3-540-61759-0, German.


With Graaf, Henk van de; Grin, John; Smit, Wim: Military Defence Impact Assessment and Preventive Arms Control. Institutions, Procedures and Instruments, Peace, Security, Environment, Climate and Energy, No. 11 (Münster: Lit-Verlag, 1997), ISBN 3-926979-65-8, German. Also: fsu011.


Eastern Enlargement of the European Union - Energy and Environment Policy of the Czech Republic (Berlin: Umweltbundesamt, 2002), 500 p., Texte 69-01, ISSN: 0722-186X, German.


Liberalisation of the Energy Market for Electricity and Gas in the European Union: A Survey and Possible Implications for the Czech Republic (Berlin: Umweltbundesamt, 2002), 306 p., Texte 71-01, ISSN: 0722-186X.


With Liotta, P.H.; Marquina, Antonio; Rogers, Paul; Selim; Mo-hammad El-Sayed: Security and Environment in the Mediterranean - Conceptualising Security and Environmental Conflict, Hexagon Series No.1; Collection STRADEMED No. 16 (Berlin - Heidelberg - New York: Springer Verlag, 2003), ISBN: 3-540-40107-5; also: hex001; 6.


Survey of Recent and On-going Research in the Social and Human Sciences on Disarmament (Paris: UNESCO, 1988).


"Climate Change, Environmental Stress and Conflict - AFES-PRESS Report for the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety", in: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (Ed.): Climate Change and Conflict. Cam climate change impacts increase conflict potentials? What is the relevance of this issue for the international process on climate change? (Berlin: Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, 2002): 9-112.


"Klimawandel, Umweltstress und Konflikt - AFES-PRESS Studie für das Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit", in: BMU (Ed.): Klimawandel und Konflikte. Verursacht der Klimawandel Konfliktpo-tenziale? Wie kann der internationale Klimaschutzprozess hierauf reagieren? (Berlin: Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, 2002): 11-110.